Chapter 20 - The Big Reveal

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"You bitch!" Brooke screams in my ear as she tangles her nails in my hair even more.

"You're the slut!" I shoot back, I don't know where Blair has gone but once Tyler punched Brooke in the nose she launched at me and now we're a tangle of moving limbs.

"I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!" Brooke says over and over again before very strong fingers grab our ears and pull us apart. I catch a quick glimpse of a short German woman before being thrown out of the restaurant.

"Stay out of my shop." She warns sternly and I struggle to get on my feet. Tyler is quickly by my side and I see a glimpse of fire in his eyes before being taken away by his smile, I brush off my knees and give him a thankful smirk.

"You okay?" Tyler asks me and I pull my eyes away from the retreating Brooke to look at him, it looks like he's asking whether I'm okay about the fight, but I get the feeling it's not. I pull my hands out of his and wipe the sweat off on my floral skirt.

I narrow my eyes at him, wondering what exactly he means, "Gosh you really know how to make things awkward Tyler." Aggravated by his constant nagging about Zac, I almost explode and I'm guilty as soon as I say the words.

For some reason, Tyler isn't affected. What's gotten into him? "Sorry, it's just..." Tyler licks his lips and lifts up my skirt to reveal my cuts and I gasp as I watch all the people walking past and push my skirt down. "Not a good time to be wearing a skirt." I glare at him although he seems completely serious. Tyler is a lot more unpredictable for an unknown reason,

"What's gotten into you? You have no right to go butting around in my business. This doesn't concern you. What's changed now that you have to start being all straight forward?" I don't give him time to answer my questions, "I don't like that, and I've never liked that. I thought you of all people would know. You're like a different person tonight, a lot more edgy and pushy. What's changed?" Tyler's mouth is left agape.

"Sorry." He finally forces out, although he looks the least bit sorry. I don't like this side of Tyler, but a part of me is compelled to get to know the bad boy Tyler I've only seen glimpses of.

I remember the kisses we've shared, and those are the only times I've seen him like this. "Tess stop dwelling on all the bad things that are happening and remember how happy you can be. You're asking what's gotten into me, but what's gotten into you? You're negative as soon as something bad happens in your perfect world. I may seem like the bad guy to you but I'm the only person who's going to tell you how it is and Tess, you're stuck up okay? You're self centred and I know there is a beautiful person in there, but I'm tired of waiting for her to return. It's like Zac is your whole world and as soon as he does something out of character you turn into this dark outer shell with everything left on the inside, you've totally fixated on him. It's not healthy, I'm tired of waiting." He concludes and I scowl at his outburst.

"Finally decide to tell me what you really think? Well Tyler, I'm tired of waiting for you." He looks taken aback, "I know you're one of those guys who will take advantage of someone but you've been hiding it from me and it's so frustrating. It's like I can never get close to you because you're constantly on guard. I already know what you think of me!" I almost scream. "I know it in your eyes what you want to do. Tyler I," I run my hands through my hair and think, I'm about to let him in. "I've been waiting for you to do it. I know that sounds really slutty, but Zac isn't my world, if he was then why would I insist on going on and on in this circle with you? Haven't you got it yet?" Tyler shakes his head slightly. "I want you to." I whisper before grabbing his hand and holding it to my heart, so he can feel how fast it's beating.


Tyler's whole body presses against me as he drives himself into me. I kiss him ferociously. This is what I've been waiting for.

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