Chapter 13 - Three Words

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Warm hands wrap around me protectively, "Hey, hey shh." Zac soothes, wiping away my tear with shaky hands. "Why are you crying?" He whispers as I look into his eyes with awe.

"Why are you shaking?" I laugh quietly. His lips twitch,

"I wake up to the girl I love crying in my arms." He groans and I take a deep breath and sit up,

"Well, I just want to be able to show you how I feel, without forcing myself to do something I don't want to do." I edge away from Zac slowly, now sitting in the end of the bed. He leans up and reaches for my cheek.

"Then don't. Do what you think will show people." He says slowly. I grab his neck and pull myself to him. "Show me." He states huskily and I lean close to his nose, never losing sight of his deep green eyes.

"Zac." I whisper as I kiss his lips with all the passion I've ever felt for him. Our lips move in sync, he never once tries to take control. My body ignites when I realise I'm finally able to show myself.

Zac grips my waist and I pull him closer, an angry hunger settles within me. When he starts kissing my neck I stop suddenly. This isn't how it's supposed to be, we aren't like this. I struggle to lift Zac off me and he visibly stresses out.

"Sorry." He mumbles as he rolls over and lies with his back towards me. His steely voice cuts through me and I feel an overwhelming sense of guilt. Complications were always part of Zac and I's lives but we've never forced anything onto each other. Sometimes I wonder if we're really meant to be together, when all we do is affect how we live in our separate lives.

I sigh as I get up and ready for school, the weekend is over and I had to return to living hell. I bet its spread around everywhere about me and Zac now. To tell you the truth I'm a bit worried that everyone's going to pay attention. You can't go from being one of the least noticed people in school to being the one person that turns everyone's heads your way in the hall, especially so suddenly. I also don't think that Brooke is going to like this quick change is school society.

I get dressed into some random clothes and head down stairs, to be greeted by Chanel and Zoe. After last night's awkward confrontation, I'm not really looking forward to facing them. I guess I never thought that they would be the ones to judge me for my decisions.

I get out some muesli cereal and start eating at the bench. My mind wanders to Zac, why is everything so complicated between us now? Everything else is going fine apart from the occasional awkward or tense moment. So why do I feel like we're falling back into the same old pattern of misery?

I get up and wash my bowl, then head out passed the lounge room for the door. I see Zoe sleeping soundly on the couch. As I get in my car I take a deep breath to compose myself and start the engine. School doesn't seem that bad to start off with, I walk down the corridors ready for something, anything to happen. Many people pass me and all I get is a quick glance, nothing too big. I finally take the breath I was holding in. Nothing is going to happen.

I get to my locker and see Tyler watching me from across the hall. I ignore him and start grabbing my books. Even with my back turned away from him I can still tell he's watching me, it's a bit creepy. I turn and head across the hall. "You still watching me for Zac?" I try to laugh about Zac asking people to look out for me, but I know that he is serious when he wants me looked out for.

My mouth forms a thin line at the entirety of it all, "He's a good guy," Tyler sighs, "And very protective." He adds before leading the way to our class.

"Hey wait!" I rush to make pace with Tyler. "What do you mean?" Tyler looks straight ahead while I look at him, trying to keep up.

"I mean exactly what I said." Tyler dismisses. My brows furrow,

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