Chapter 19 Part 3 - Love Is... Destiny (Tyler's POV)

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Poor Tess, I groan as my eye twitches. She doesn't know what she wants, I'm not guilty but I know I should be. Some days I want to fuck her senseless when I see her smile at me, the one that lights up her eyes. But that's my issues talking, I know I probably should've pushed Tessa away a while back and I bet she thinks nothing of it but really... Every time I see her I either want to kiss her or fuck her until she begs. It's a bit gruesome but it's how I feel and I can't help what's been done.

Thoughts race through my mind of Tess choosing me, the things we could do together...

She wants Zac though, I remind myself. She loves him in fact and I can't understand why she resists him so much. He's clearly head over heels for her and she's the same, I don't understand what Zac did to make Tess trust him so cautiously but I can take a good guess.

I don't think Tess is the only one that has cheated in their relationship and if they're not going to move on with their relationship, I might just take Tess off Zac's hands. I deserve her, as much as he does and if she doesn't change her act towards Zac... My true self will show. You better hurry up Zac. Zac.

Author's Note: So what do you think of the not-so-sweet Tyler? These parts are really important because they show how the other characters are really feeling and it's an easier insight into their minds and it helps you understand how I want the characters to think and feel.

Song for chapter 19 is: Paint It Black by Ciara

Guys I have big news, there is 4 more chapters and I plan to post them right now. As in I'm finished the bloody story and I'm so excited because it's taken me two and a half years to get this story up to a completed second draft!

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