Chapter 2 - Confessions

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We're laughing in the coffee shop; I can't even remember what over. We sit in these maroon chairs surrounded by a cosy looking little shop, I take a sip of my iced tea and Tyler looks at me seriously,

"So what's the story with this guy?" My mouth nearly drops,

"There is no story, it's just... a complicated history." I try to cast it away but the words flare in my heart.

"You don't look like it was nothing..." Tingles start all over my shoulders and reach my toes.

"Well, a few years ago we were together but he could never choose between me and others. After a while he got a little better, he seemed to want me more and I thought for once he wasn't going to leave me." I cast my eyes down at the memories. "But one day, I never saw him. And I knew we were finished. He was the first guy I loved and, I've never loved anyone since." I shrug my shoulders but Tyler is unconvinced.

"Why haven't you loved anyone?" I think about it for a few seconds, looking deep into Tyler's hazel eyes. This is the main reason for the next two years, finding out why I don't feel the need to show people affection. This one question, could answer everything.

"I guess no one's really given me a chance." This emotional territory is getting to me and I'm slowly backing away from Tyler but he realises and grabs my hand. I look into his eyes again, searching for any insincere emotion.

"Just because no one loves you in that moment, doesn't mean you're never going to be loved." I stifle a gasp, his words were something else. I've never heard anything like it. His eyes bore into mine, and I feel like he can see right into my soul.

He does this weird thing that makes me never want to be shy again and forget the personality changes. When I'm with him I'm just... me, no improved personality. He makes me want to be like that.

I'm quiet for a moment, I'm very aware of his hand on mine but I can't avert my gaze. Then I look up,

"How do you do that?" I'm barely whispering, Tyler looks at me confused. I feel like the small shop is empty, and it may as well be because I can hear my heart beating. He still holds my hand and I wish he wasn't, I can't concentrate. "How do you say exactly what I'm thinking but make it sound so much better?" His lips twitch. What he doesn't realise is that when I was younger, I said those exact words.

"My mind has stretched the boundaries of reality; it's kind of like reading minds but reading body language on a deep level. Noticing your habits and what you do when you feel certain things." I move my hand slightly and Tyler quickly grabs my wrist, "Why do you keep doing that?" He swirls his thumb into my wrist,

"Like I said, no one's given me a chance. So why would I give myself a chance? To be loved that is." That catches Tyler by surprise, sort of. My hand dangles in the air; he's the only one holding it up.

His hand climbs to my shoulder, he reaches to my ear and whispers. "I know." It looks like he's about to kiss me, I prepare myself but stay still. My eyes are still open but fluttering closed, then he smirks and sits up. "You should learn to love yourself." I scoff and punch his arm lightly. We're both laughing,

"What the hell Tyler!" I'm laughing so hard.

"Don't worry I'm going to teach you." He sounds really egotistical and childish.

"That's scary and cheesy." I state. Tyler smirks,

"How?" He asks and I take a sip of my tea, eying him.

"I'm going to teach you how to love" I try mimicking him and fail. Tyler laughs at me,

"I do not talk like that." I throw back. A lady walks over with some cheese pizza and my eyes bulge at the size of toppings.


I grab another piece of cheese pizza. "How many of those have you had?"Tyler looks at me expectantly; I look down at the pizza and contemplate the answer.

"About four," More than half of the pizza was gone, which was good because it means that we will finish it. Turns out we both love cheese pizza.

"Geez I only ever eat three or four pieces, but I think you need to face it," I look at him as I lick my lips,

"Face what? Hmm," I burst into laughter,

"You're a pig." Tyler smirks as I scoff.

"Shut up" I poke my tongue at him and shuffle away. I find it weird that I'm not my usual shy self, and I've changed personalities so quickly but it's all because of Tyler.

I glow crimson and look down, these thoughts are weird.

"You're beautiful," My eyes flutter to his quickly and go back down.

"I thought you said I was wonderful." I try to laugh to get rid of some of the awkwardness, it doesn't work.

"Beautiful too, you can do a lot with that combination." I scoff, not accepting the compliment.

"I was always told that beauty won't get you far in life," I mumble, my shyness comes back. There's a pause and I sit there playing with my thumbs.

"Why do you do that?" it's not an insult, he says it softly. "Why do you look really strong and then just as you get into deep thought you go really shy" If only he knew my secrets, my mission.

"That's just how I am I guess." I shrug off. Tyler pauses, thinking about something. Then looks at the clock, 

"It's late; I shouldn't keep you from home any longer." Such a gentle man. "What's his name? The guy that kept leaving you?" Tyler asks, I try to think through the emotions swimming inside me.

"Zac." his name burns in my mind.

* * *

I shake off my nightmare half way through the night, a thin layer of sweat covering me. I prepare for loneliness to fill me. My breathing is ragged, and I can't catch my breath as I gulp. My dreams are filled with Tyler and Zac, for some reason I can't choose.

A/N The introduction into Zac is here!!

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