Chapter 19 Part 2 - Love Is... Her (Zac's POV)

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I already miss running my fingers through her hair when I wake up. I'm still not sure whether she knows I do it when she sleeps, but I love having her close. Tess doesn't sleep well without someone and although we were final, I knew she would still end up here by the end of the night. If anything I was expecting it, I wanted it. If she didn't show up I think I would've made my own way to her house and wrap myself around her, knowing she would need it through the night. I can't understand why she would leave though. I thought she would want to stay, even if I told her we couldn't be together.

It's not that I don't love her, and Tyler is a really nice guy; but Tess can't decide between us and it's scaring me. Tyler might be the one she chooses in the end, knowing her she won't make up her mind entirely and that's exactly what she's doing.

My phone buzzes, Ah Ah, I was thinking bout her, thinking bout me, thinking bout this, what we're gonna be.

"Jamee, what do you want?" I'm really not in the mood to talk to her.

"Hmm," She thinks seductively, "I heard you and your pet are over. Thought I might see what's on offer." She sneers and I nearly throw my phone, pretending it to be her face.

"There's nothing on offer Jamee, you and I are over, for good." I add for emphasis. "How did you hear about this so quickly? It hasn't even been a full day yet." Jamee laughs on the other side.

"Oh Zac sweetie, everyone still wants you. So when you're on the market, everyone's going to come for you and considering your track record with girls..." She ponders for little and I know where this is going. "You find it hard to settle so; you have a taste of everyone." I can hear her giggle. Jamee always was bold, but she's also a liar and a user.

"Jamee, I'm not going to do that. Not even for you." I hang up and flop down to rest for a while, still on the couch that Tess and I shared last night. I want to reach out to her and help her, but I know she'll want to come to me, not me come to her. I resist the unsettling urge to race off and force her to forgive me, so we can make slow love and forget everything that's happened but the bond that connects us to each other. I want that sensational feeling again, the way I move around her and how she wraps around me.

My pants start to bulge sand I quickly think about other things, Tess is too complicated.

But without her there is no love.

I'm willing to wait to understand her; I want to wait for her to open up to me. But she can't cheat on me like this ever again. She's never done it before so why now? Tyler.

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