She's Back

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"Is it the same as you remember it?" Michael asked, glancing back at his three kids who were in the back of the car.

Lauren was to busy sulking in the corner to answer, she didn't understand why they moved away just to move back five years later. Chris had his headphone in so he didn't hear the question and Taylor just shrugged.

"I can't remember."


"I don't care. First you move me away from here to Dallas and I lose all my friends and then you move us from Dallas back to Miami and I lose all my friend again."

"Maybe you can see your old friends again? The Cabello's and Hernandez's still live on either side of us."

"Yeah right. I haven't even spoken to Ally, Dinah and Normani since we moved, I kept in touch with Camila for about half a year but, really, how long was that supposed to last?"

"You're over reacting." Her mom added making Lauren roll her eyes.

"The removal guys will bring your things up when they get here." Michael said a they pulled up outside their old house.

Lauren got out of the can and slowly walked around the side of her house to the backyard. She was more than happy that the people who had rented the house for the past five years hadn't tore down the tree house or the hammock that was tied in between two trees.

She looked up to her left, which was the Cabello's house, and looked at the window that was on the side of the building, facing her room window. Thats Camila's bedroom, or at least it used to be.

Camila was Lauren's best friend, she had a group of five friends but Camila was always her best friend, they did everything together and Lauren would never forget how heartbroken she looked when Lauren drove off to go to Dallas.

"Lauren?" A voice called from behind her and Lauren turned in the direction of the Hernandez house and smiled when she saw Ally's head peaking over the face.


Ally pushed the gate open and wrapped her arms around Lauren's waist.

"You haven't grown much since we were twelve, huh?" Lauren mumbled making Ally laugh.

"Shut it, Jauregui." Ally argued halfhearted, pulling back to look at Lauren. "I missed you! The girls did too."

"You still talk to them?"

"Yeah, we're all going round to Mila's house for a barbecue tonight, your family, too."

"Really? My parents never said. How are the girls?"

"Good, Normani has a boyfriend, his names Arin and Camila's a bit weird, she just broke up with her girlfriend about two weeks ago."


"Yeah, I really shouldn't have said anything, she might not have wanted you to know yet."

"When did she figure it out?" Lauren asked, it was always kind of obvious Camila was gay.

"You knew?"

"You didn't?" Lauren laughed, "come on, it was completely obvious, even at twelve years of age."

"I guess. I think she only just figured it out when she was fifteen, she's had three girlfriends, all of which have cheated on her."

"That sucks. What about Dinah?"

"She had a boyfriend, didn't last very long, he was a tool."

"And you?"

"I have a boyfriend, his name's Troy." Ally grinned.

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