My Best Friend's Sister (Part 3)

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Lauren groaned at the sound of her phone blaring in her overly sensitive ears.

"Get the goddamn phone!"

"Yes, ok." Lauren rolled Camila over onto her back and climbed on top of the girl so she could reach down the side of the bed to get her phone from her pants. "Hello?" Lauren mumbled, resting her forehead against Camila's shoulder.

"Lauren, I need your help. Camila didn't go home last night and- and..."

"Dude, chill. She's here with me. I couldn't take her home drunk so I brought her back with me. She's safe." Lauren assured, pulling back to look down at Camila, smiling when the younger girl brought her hand up to run her thumb down Lauren's jaw.

"Jesus, thank god! I thought she had gone home with one of those football dudes and I thought I was going to have to commit a murder."

"Nope, she's safe." Lauren assured, leaning into Camila's hand.

"Cool, will I come pick her up?"

"No, it's cool, her clothes were soaked so I'll wash them and dry them and drive her home later tonight."

"Ok, is she there with you or can you talk?"

"She's in the room with me, why? What do you want to talk about?"

"Louis. Can you go somewhere else?"

"Sure, yeah. Give me two seconds." Lauren agreed, taking the phone from her ear and covering her receiver. "Go downstairs, there's cereal in the cupboard above the sink." Lauren whispered and Camila nodded, sitting up and pressing her lips against Lauren.

"Thank you."

"No worries." Lauren rolled off of Camila, waiting until the girl was fully out of the room before putting the phone back to her ear. "S'up?"

"Well, you know I went home with Louis last night, right?"

"Mm. Did you guys get a little bump and grind on?" Lauren grinned, lying back against her pillow.

"Maybe, but that's not why I called."

"Oh, little Cabello finally got it on with the guy he's been stalking, congrats, dude."

"Shut up. I wanted to tell you that he asked me to go out with him tomorrow but since you're being an ass I don't think I will tell you."

"You just did."

Harry was silent for a few seconds before muttering, "Fuck."

"So, are you going to go?"

"Yeah, of course. I was going to ask you to come by tonight, stay over so I don't psych myself out and don't show."

"Yeah, I can do that. We will talk more when I come by tonight because I have a Cabello in the kitchen who is no doubt very hungry."

"Ok, and thanks again for looking out for her, I owe you one."

"No you don't, it's cool."

"No, I do. No one else would've done that for me." Harry said sincerely and Lauren could feel the guilt seep in at the fact she was lying to her best friend.

"It's fine, really. I'll see you tonight." Lauren hung up the phone and hopped out of bed, ignoring the guilt in the pit of her stomach, and heading downstairs.

"Morning honey, there's a girl in the kitchen." Her dad said, looking over the back of the sofa at Lauren.

"That's Camila Cabello, dad, you used to see her all the time when you dropped me off at Harry's house."

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