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Camila jumped when there was a loud bang, blinking and looking up over her laptop to see Lauren standing in the doorway, a one year old probbed on her hip and a four year old clinging to her hand.

"What's up?" Camila frowned, taking off her glasses.

"We have to go to the school. Cameron got into a fight and then Sofia got involved."

"What? Why?"

"I don't know. We have to go down and talk to them.

"But mama, Dora is on." The four year old pouted.

"I know baby, but something happened with your brother and sister and we have to go get them." Lauren said, running her hand through the toddlers hair and looking up at Camila. "I'll meet you in the car, ok?"

"Sure, babe." Camila replied distractedly, rolling off the bed and going to get changed.

Lauren headed down to the car, strapping two of her youngest kids in.

"What's wrong, mama?" Maria asked as Lauren fiddled with Isabella's car seat.

"Your brother and sister have been bad." Lauren said, smiling when Isabella grabbed her nose. "I'm supposed to steal your nose." Lauren lightly tapped the younger ones nose making her giggle.

"Like, bad like eating to many cookies bad?"

"A little badder than that." Lauren answered and Maria gasped over dramatically, bringing her hands up to cover her mouth like this was the worst thing she'd ever heard. Isabella copied her older sister, though Lauren knew she probably had no idea what was happened.

"You are both drama queens just like your mother." Lauren smiled.

"I am not a drama queen." Camila huffed, crossing her arms over her chest and pouted dramatically.

"Yeah, no. I get that." Lauren grinned, pressing her lips against Camila's cheek. "Car. Now."

Camila smiled, getting into the passenger seat.

"What did Cam and Sof do?" Maria asked.

"They got into a fight at school."

"Can I have their cookies for tonight since they've been bad?"

"It doesn't work like that." Camila said, grinning over her shoulder at the toddler.

The toddler pouted, falling back into her seat.

Lauren drove the rest of the way to the school, heading along to the principals office with Isabella in her arms.

"Mom. Ma. It wasn't us, it was them!" Cameron defended when he noticed his moms turning the corner, jumping to his feet. Sofia jumped to her feet too and both of them started talking at once, trying to defend themselves.

"Alright, stop." Lauren snapped, effectively shutting both children up.

"Sit your butts down in those seats." Camila demanded, both kids knew better than to argue and sat back down.

"Your Xbox is coming out of your room, it depends what you've done how long for." Lauren hissed, looking from Cameron to Sofia. "And you lost all car privileges, again, I don't know how long for yet."

Camila was about to add something to this when the principals door opened. "Ah, would you like to come in?" The principal smiled and Lauren and Camila headed into his office with their twins trailing behind them.

Lauren looked over at the boy and two girls on the corner, staring down at their hands.

"What we understand happened was that your son and daughter attacked these students for no good reason other than they accidentally banged into them in the hallway."

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