'Mommy, I'm Scared' (Final Part)

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Camila looked up from the work she was doing on her laptop when she hear the back door close, frowning when Lauren and Isabella walked in, both sporting bike helmets and ski goggles. "I'm not even sure I want to ask but what are you both doing?"

"We are going to fight some monsters, mami." Isabella huffed and Lauren just held up the spray bottle that contained her 'monster spray'.

A large smile stretched across Camila's lips as she though of just how often she has seen her wife and daughter dressed up in some crazy, homemade outfits, last week it was capes and before that they turned cardboard boxes into astronaut helmets. "Ok, sure. Have fun with that, and be safe."

"It's the monsters who should be scared, once they smell this they will never want to come back." Lauren grinned proudly.

"Why don't you have your capes on?"

"Because we aren't superheroes today, mami." Isabella scoffed. "We are monster hunters."

"Oh, ok, silly me."

"Come on, kido, let's go take care of these monsters so we are done in time for Dora." Lauren lead the way towards the stairs, Camila smiling fondly as she watched them go.

"What do you two want for dinner?"

"Fish fingers." Both Lauren and Isabella called back and Camila couldn't help but chuckle at the fact that, even if Isabella wasn't biologically related to Lauren, they were so much alike.

"Do you want the spray bottle?" Lauren asked, holding it out to Isabella who nodded. "Ok, we will do under the bed, in the corners and in the closet first then you can go up on my shoulders and do the top corners and on top of your cupboard, ok?"

"Can we do inside the cupboard as well?"

"Of course we can, anywhere you think needs it." Lauren said as she pushed the door open, looking down at her daughter and fixing her goggles. "Are you ready, partner?"

"Yes, sir."


"Yes, miss." Isabella correcting, grinning cheekily up at her mom.

"Better. Remember, just in, do the job and out. We are not here to make friends."

Isabella giggled at her moms dramatics but nodded anyway, marching into the room and spraying the corners and inside her closet but stopped when she reached her bed. "Can you do the bed, mommy?"

"Of course, we are partners, remember?" Lauren smiled, taking the spray bottle from Isabella and crouched down, spraying under the bed five times before straightening. "If there was anything under there then sure as hell isn't now."

Isabella smiled up at her mom and Lauren found herself smiling back at the fact Isabella's smile was just like Camila's, though smaller and missing a few teeth. "Ok, let's do the top so we can head down and eat some fish fingers."

Isabella nodded and Lauren picked her up and held her on her shoulders, allowing Isabella to reach the top corners of the room with the spray bottle.

Once Isabella was done Lauren slid her off her shoulders and into her arms, tickling the young girls stomach making her squeal and Lauren as she tried to wriggle out of her moms grip. "Mommy, no!"

"This is how we celebrate a successful mission." Lauren grinned but stopped tickling her daughter and set her down on her feet. "Will you be ok now, kido?"

"Yeah, we taked care of the monsters." Isabella grinned proudly up at her mom. "I'm going to tell my friends tomorrow that I'm a monster hunter."

Lauren smiled, pulling the goggles from around her eyes and left them dangling around her neck. "I don't know about you but all this monster hunter has made me hungry."

"Yeah, and mami is making fish fingers."

"Lets go then before she eats them." Lauren took ahold of her daughters hand and headed downstairs.

"Ah, you both made it out. How'd it go?" Camila asked, glancing over her shoulder before looking back down at the milk she was heating up for hot chocolate.

"We kicked the monsters butts." Isabella said as she climbed onto her chair.

"Yeah, I don't think they will be bothering her again." Lauren mumbled, wrapping her arms around Camila's waist from behind, resting her chin in the bend of Camila's neck. "How is your work going?"

"Good, I finished the spread sheet so I'm further on than I thought I would've been at this point."

"That's good," Lauren nodded, kissing Camila's jaw.

"Mm," Camila hummed, sliding her hand up into Lauren's hair, tilting her head to kiss her wife. "Sit down, the food is almost ready."

"Ok," Lauren whispered, kissing Camila's neck before pulling back and going to sit at the table beside her daughter.

"Mommy and mami sitting in a tree," Isabella sang as Lauren sat down making the two women roll her eyes. "K-i-s-s-i-n-g."

"What about your boyfriend from kindergarden? What's his name, Camz?"

"Uh, I think it was Joey, wasn't it?" Camila offered, pouring out three mugs of hot chocolate.

"Ew, no." Isabella's face twisted into disgust. "He is not my boyfriend."

"I think he is."

"Bella and Joey sitting in a tree..." Camila sung, gaining a glare from her daughter.

"Mami, no! He's just my friend."

"Your mami was just my friend once, too." Lauren grinned, resting her elbows on the table and leant closer to her daughter. "But she fell in love with this smile."

"And she paid for my meals when we went out." Camila added as she placed the plates in front of Lauren and Isabella.


"But it's ok 'cause mami makes you your meals now." Isabella said and Lauren laughed gaining a glare from Camila.

"She said it not me."

"You laughed." Camila glared as she turned back to get the hot chocolates.

"You are going to get me grounded, behave." Lauren whispered to Isabella.

"But you're big, you can't get grounded."

"You'd be surprised, kido." Lauren whispered, smiling up at Camila as she set their mugs on the table and sat down. "Thank you, baby."

"Yeah," Camila glared playfully at Lauren. "Are you going to take that stuff off?" Camila asked, signally towards Isabella, who still had both her helmet and goggles on, and to Lauren, who still had the goggles dangling around her neck.

Lauren help Isabella get the helmet and goggles off, throwing them, along with her own, on the sofa.

"Mami, for my birthday can i get a puppy?" Isabella asked as she chewed on her food.

"Why doesn't she ask me these things?"

"Because she knows who is the boss." Camila grinned before turning back to Isabella. "Maybe, sweetie, your mommy and I will talk it over."

"Joey got a puppy and it can roll over."

"Joey this, Joey that." Lauren teased making Isabella huff.

"You're mean." Isabella pouted and Laure just grinned as she took a drink of her hot chocolate.

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