She's Different Now (Part 1)

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It was gradual, and if she and Lauren weren't so close she probably wouldn't have noticed it and she didn't, not at first. And she really hates herself for not noticing before now.

Lauren had always been, since high school, sassy and boisterous and just an all round engaging person.

And that was the Lauren Camila was seeing while watching out videos from high school, that was the Lauren she remembered, that Lauren didn't exist anymore.

It hit her like a ton of bricks. Lauren wasn't Lauren anymore. Today's Lauren, sophomore year of college Lauren, was quiet and timid and withdrawn. She didn't even dress the same. There was no low slung tops or short skirts, it was just generic jeans and usually a hoodie. And there was nothing wrong with that it just wasn't Lauren.

It took Camila a good two hours after coming to that realization to piece everything together. The only monumental thing that happens between high school and now what that Lauren met and started dating Paul. Then her mind started reeling. She had never really liked Paul, there was just something about him, some sense of superiority over everyone. He was a control freak, she learnt that the first hand by moving one of his American history books when she was in his dorm room with Lauren about a year ago. She'd never seen someone get so pissed over a tiny thing like that.

That all probably wouldn't even have matter -so what? He liked order in his little sanctuary and she probably didn't like him because of her crush on Lauren- if it wasn't for the most important factor in all of this. The bruises. Every so often Lauren would show up with a bruise on her face or arms and would claim that she was 'just a klutz'. But she wasn't. Camila had know Lauren most of their lives and Lauren was the most coordinated person she had ever met.

Looking back now, remembering how Lauren looked at her when she made up some excuse about the bruises, like she was begging Camila to realize what was going on and just help, it made Camila's chest ache and her stomach turn.

She needed to see Lauren so she rushed out of her dorm room, not entirely registering that it was four in the morning, and marched to the door five down from her own and knocked.

It wasn't until the sixth knock that Lauren answered, all messy hair, squinting against the sudden attack of light from outside.

"You are lucky Mani isn't home."

"I need to show you something." Camila marched past Lauren and over to her bed, dropping her open laptop on the mattress.

"Now, Camz. I have an early lecture."

"Watch." Camila ordered, completely ignoring Lauren's protests.

Lauren watched the same videos as Camila had earlier, frowning in confusion.

"Were you feeling nostalgic?"

"What happened to you?"

That question seemed to shock Lauren awake a little. "What?"

"We made a promise in sophomore year of high school, you remember?"

"Which one? We made loads."

"That we would always protect each other." Camila clarified and Lauren reclined back on her bed and nodded.

"Yeah, I remember."

"I haven't been holding up my end, have I?"

The fear that crossed Lauren's eyes was heartbreak, "What do you mean?" Lauren asked quietly, wrapping her hair tie painfully around her pointer and middle finger.

Camila bit down on her trembling bottom lip, absolutely distraught that her friend was that terrified and she had no idea.

"What is he doing to you?"


"Paul, Lauren!"

Lauren's breath picked up as she shook her head, picking up Camila's laptop and slamming it closed, thrusting it into the girls arms. "You need to leave."

"But..." Camila started but before she could say anything Lauren had her gently by the arm and was pulling her towards the door. "Lauren, please."

"Stay out of it, ok?"

"Why are you letting him do this to you?"

"He isn't doing anything," Lauren snapped, shoving Camila out the door. "He loves me."

"No, I love you," Camila confessed, making a move to walk back into the room. "He is controlling you."

"Camila, please, stop. It's not like that at all."

"Then tell me," Camila pleaded, moving closer to Lauren, cupping the girls' jaw. "Tell me what it's like."

Lauren released a shaky breath, her eyes flooding with tears as she briefly leant into Camila's hand before pushing it away.

"Stay out of it."

"Lauren..." The door was slammed in her face before she could speak, almost breaking her nose. Camila just managed to hold back a sob as she leant her forehead against the wooden door. "Hey," she murmured because she knew Lauren was leaning against the door too. "I love you and I'm not going to stop, I promised to protect you and I will. I'm not sure how yet, since you won't let me but I will figure out a way." Lauren's side of the door was silent, save what seemed like small whimpers. "We're best friends, remember? It's always been that way and you can try pushing me away as much as you want but it will always be that way."

Camila waited for a good five minutes to get any kind of response from Lauren but there was nothing so she retreated back to her own room, receiving a pissed string of illegible words from her room mate until Dinah realized she was crying and rushed to her side.

She didn't know what she was going to do. How Lauren acted conformed it for her, Paul was abusing her and had completely changed not only Lauren's dress sense but her personality and self confidence.

And Camila would get the old, sassy Lauren back, no matter how difficult it was.

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