Christmas Day

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Her mom always used to tell her that her Prince Charming would just rock up one day and sweep her off her feet, that she would fall in love with this perfect guy who would treat her like she was the only person in the world to him. Lauren waited and waited for that to happen but by the age of seventeen she pretty much realized that it wasn't going to, that there was no Prince Charming, no being swept off your feet.

Lauren loves her mom but she reckons that this is partially what's wrong with the world. Young girls are told that it will be a boy that they will fall in love with, that it will be a Prince Charming that will just sweep you off your feet but that's not always the case. 

For some girls it could be a princess charming, a girl who would look at you like you were the only thing in the world she needed. A goofy girl who tells dumb jokes and laughs more at her own jokes than anyone else does. A girl with a killer voice and probably not dance moves to match. She wasn't at all surprised that the fans loved Camila or that plenty of people had a crush on her because Lauren herself was doing both of those things. 

Lauren wasn't an overly emotional person but everything was getting her today, it was December twentieth, they were in New York, it was snowing and she had the best girlfriend and band mates she could ever ask for. She just couldn't believe how perfect her life had turned out.

Lauren watched Camila as the younger girl tilted her head back to look up at the huge Christmas tree, the lights dancing off her face and the flutter of snow falling and landing on her hat and scarf, just making her look so angelic that Lauren was finding it hard to believe she was even real.

Lauren quickly snapped a picture of Camila before walking over and standing next to her.

Camila glanced over at her, a smile intently covering her lips as she looked back up at the tree.

"How long do you think it would take to climb right to the top of that?" Camila asked and Lauren laughed because of course that was the kind of thing she was thinking.

"I don't know, I guess it depends on how good you are at climbing, really."

"I reckon I could do it in two minutes." Camila said cockily, dropping her head to look at Lauren. "I feel bad for Dinah."

"Why? What happened?"

"Well, Ally and 'mani are spending Christmas together, you and I are spending Christmas together and Dinah is on her own."

Lauren chuckled, wrapping her arms around Camila's lower back and pulling her against her. "On her own? Honey, are you forgetting just how many people there are on Dinah's house."

"I guess. I just wish we could spend Christmas together. All of us." Camila pouted and Lauren wanted nothing more than to promise she could make that happen but she just couldn't.

"I know, baby, I do, too. And maybe we will one year."

"I love you." Camila said, wrapping her arms around Lauren's neck and pecking her on the lips. "To the moon and back."

Lauren grinned stupidly at the over used joke. "I love you, too." Lauren leant forward and kissed Camila, only pulling back when she heard Dinah announce that something was going on Instagram.

"No, really. This is the cutest photo I've ever taken." She said as she typed away on her phone. "Hashtag, disgustingly adorable couple."

Lauren rolled her eyes, pulling out her phone to see what photo Dinah was talking about, a smile spreading across her lips when she saw it. It was the picture of her and Camila kissing but what really added to it was the tree behind them and the light flutter of snow.

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