"I thought I lost you guys," he sniffed wiping his wet eyes, "I couldn't loose you guys." I just wanted to tell him sorry and scream for this curse on all of us. I never knew how independent and lonely it is without talking. His eyes looked from my widened eyes to my arm, his mouth dropping. "We need to fix this," he pointed to my elbow taking my hand. I knew this would've had to happen sooner or later, I just wasn't expecting it so soon. My insides turned, nervous for what was coming.

He helped me stand up and sat me down on the metal tray again, his hand still holding mind. "Do- do you want to go through with this?" He stood between my legs his eyes looking down on me. I thought it over in my head for a little, raising one side of my mouth for a little smile then giving a nod. He's obviously never done this before, and I don't believe any of the other boys would have too, but someone's gotta do it. He scavenged round some drawers for a few minutes grabbing out some scissors, string, fabric and a thin needle. I wanted to yell at him to calm down but there was nothing I could do but watch and be helpless. He dropped the supplies by my side and I couldn't stop staring at them thinking of the worse. Ashton picked up the thin needle and the black string, his eyes coming close together as he attempted to thread the sting through the needle. His hands shook violently, missing his every chance at success. I grabbed onto his hands taking the equipment into my hands and easily threading it through. He gave a small thank you before taking the needle in his large hands. 

"Please, please tell me to stop." One of his hands grabbed onto my arm while he lined the needle up with my toned ripped skin. "I'm so sorry."

"Ready?" He asked the tip of the sharp item resting on my skin. I nodded hesitantly taking in a breath of air ignoring the pain, before I felt the needle push through the first layer. My eyes clamped shut, clenching my teeth as the tears flew out from my eyes. Ash stopped apologising over and over but I smacked my hands on his muscular arms signalling him to hurry up and get it over and done with. I reached my hand up to my neck, pressing on the swollen bruising feeling the pain, distracting me from the needle constantly threading through the ripped skin. After a gruelling five minutes I look down to see Ash clip off the last extra thread of string before wrapping my elbow in bandage. I must admit, he didn't do to shabby. The lines evenly speared over the cut, very neatly done.

I wanted to say thank you but I couldn't so I just touched his shoulder leaning in and giving him a small peck on his cheek. "I'm sorry," he sighed pulling me into a hug being cautious of my neck. I'm so grateful that he actually had the damn guts to do what he just did, I don't know who else would've.

"Do you wanna go see the boys?"

Did he really think I'd be fine with going out there after what just happened? For all I know I could come to near death again, even one of the boys could be next.

"Don't worry, we handled him." He gave a cheeky grin, so I nodded taking his hand in mine slowly walking out the room. I held my head up high and straight, walking like I had books balanced on my head so I wouldn't hurt my neck.

As we approached the room we were in earlier I saw the back of Luke facing out the guarded window on a bed. He held something over his face.

"Blake oh my god!" Cal and Michael gasped rushing to my side taking me in their arms, Ash quickly pushing them back.

"Gentle she's hurt!" I rolled my eyes grabbing them in a hug anyway. My eyes didn't leave Luke as I hugged the boys, he didn't even move a muscle. Hesitantly, I walked over, the side of his face highlighted by the morning sun. I couldn't see behind the bag of ice he held up over his jaw but it must've been pretty bad. I gently shuffled up next to him, but not too close. He looked over at me removing the bag from his face revealing a large purple and blue bruise on his jaw which looked to be bleeding, dried blood trickled from his nostrils and a large black swollen eye. He looked truly torn up.

He shook his head looking at me in disbelief. "I- I did this to you."

My eyes furrowed together, what the hell is he on about?

"I should've fucking smashed the hell out of that guy, I- I don't know what happened," he cursed running a cut up hand through his blonde quiff. I shook my head feeling the pain. "I'm sorry."

Could the boys seriously stop saying sorry? It's none of their fault, and it's annoying me because they're basically forcing themselves to blame it on their selves.

"Look at you B," he folded in his lips shutting his watering eyes. It was weird witnessing the boys tear up, at school they seemed so... Strong? "You don't deserve this."

Not being able to talk was actual killing me to the max. I'd rather die then not being able to talk right now, I just wanted to tell the boys everything. My thumb wiped away a tear on his cheek giving a reassuring smile. He grinned back placing his hand on my thigh making my cheeks heat up. I didn't really feel anything towards Luke, I mean lately yeah he's been pretty close but it's just because of the situation we're in. Obviously he's doing it because he misses it.

"C'mon," he whispered, "you need to sleep." I nodded using one arm to pull myself back on the shuffling into the sheets. My neck ached as I laid my head into the soft pillow but ignored as soon as Luke joined me. I faced Calum his soft chocolate brown eyes staring into mine from across the room. He gave a small smile and I returned one. Why the hell must they all be so god damn gorgeous, I just can't.

I felt Luke's lips press up against my ear and shivers ran down my spine, "I'm sorry."




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