I had to get over him and, by him leaving me alone and by me not even bothering to acknowledge he existed, was the easiest way for me to do that. It seemed to be working so far and I had even managed to get away with not talking to him during the lesson.

He seemed to ignore me and act like I wasn't even there. Which I wasn't going to complain about, I was just taking it as him listening to me for once and doing what I wanted him to do.

"Hey Nathan. So, there's this party at the weekend, and, well, I was just wondering, do you want to come with me and the girls?" Lauren asked as she appeared in front of mine and Nathan's table, twirling her hair around in her fingers and her bright red lips kept edging closer to Nathan as she spoke

"Sorry Lauren, but I've already made plans. Me and Rachel are going to the cinema..." Nathan replied.

"What? You and her? I thought you had taste!" Lauren protested. She hated it when I got something that she wanted or had something that she wanted; the something that she wanted in this case being Nathan.

"Happy to disappoint. Bye Lauren." Nathan laughed as he waved at her, causing her to turn away with a look of disgust on her face.

"So, class, I believe I set you an essay for homework. Can you hold them up for me to collect in..." Mr.Parker said as he began walking around the room, every single person handing in two pages of writing, while I was just sat there with my half a page because I genuinely couldn't be bothered with doing the work for today.

I was sat up doing it at half one this morning, mainly because I forgot about and just decided that something was better than nothing.

"Nathan, where is your essay?" Mr.Parker asked when he reached us.

"I didn't bother doing it sir." he replied.

"And why not?"

"Had better things to be doing other than answering a stupid question for your homework." Nathan shrugged, I couldn't help but laugh at him because it was hilarious. And was even funnier with how annoyed Tom was getting with him.

"And what do you call this Rachel?" he asked as his attention turned to me and the lame effort that I had put into doing the work he had sat.

"See sir, I just couldn't be bothered with it so I left it until half one this morning and this wrote all I could be asked to write." I shrugged, the whole class now looking at me and Nathan, as though they were somewhat shocked by our performances.

I think even Mr.Parker was shocked by our behaviour, especially by mine and I was enjoying it.

"You're both to come back after school and finish this work for me. I don't expect this to keep happening or there will be serious actions taken." Tom replied before wandering back to the front of the room to get on with his teaching, not that I was bothered by this at all.

Spending time with him after school.

That was going to be the highlight of my day.


"Do you want to come round mine after this stupid detention?" I asked Nathan as we walked to Tom's History room.

"Yeah, sure. And I forgot to ask you, do want to go to the cinema at the weekend?" Nathan smiled.

"Why not, it's not like I've got anything else planned. Louise will probably be too busy with whatever his name is to want to do anything, so, yeah, cinema sounds great to me." I replied with a massive grin on my face. It would be nice to go out somewhere and be seen with someone other than Louise.#

"Good. You can pick the film and let me know, I don't mind what we see." Nathan smiled.

"I want t see Iron Man 3. Love those films and need to see the last one before I die." I joked as we walked into Tom's History room. He was sat at his desk, marking some work and he didn't even realise we were in the room until Nathan cleared his throat and announced we were in the room.

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