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Liam is a Bitch

•Third Person POV•

As a sleeping Niall is drooling on his desk, Louis and Harry walk into the room and laugh quietly at the boy who is also moaning in his sleep with a clear hard-on, making them laugh even more when noticing it. They walk up to him slowly to shake Niall's shoulder, instantly waking up the horny boy.

"Mm. What's up," he asked groggily. The couple continue to laugh.

Niall gave them a confused look before he realized that he had an erection and that he was drooling all over his warm desk. "What the hell?"

Louis chuckled at the confused boy. "You were moaning in your sleep as well."

Niall's eyes grew wide. "I had a dream with Liam. We were having sëx... Gross!" He quickly got up from his chair, goosebumps traveling up and down his arms as he shivered.

"So lucky!"

Harry nods. "I want a sëx dream with Liam. Lou does too."

Louis grins. "I sure do. Can you somehow give me your dream, Niall... Niall?"

He is still in shock, and it's clear because his pupils are dilated and he's sweating from his forehead. "I made another entry, right," he asked.

The couple nodded along together. "Another rant about, Liam, huh?"

Niall groaned. "After I submitted that entry, my whole body felt all fuzzy. I was in, like, a dream state or something. Liam was there, and he said he liked me. He said he had feelings for me. I wouldn't have guessed that he would. I thought he was joking, but it seemed like he really meant it. I was shocked, but I still had that hate for him deep down." He stopped to take a short breath, the couple soaking in every word. "And then... he told me to go with him, somewhere, I don't know. He asked me to be in the sëx tape with him again, and he told me that he would never go to someone's house to ask them to be in one with him, but he liked me, so that's why he came. I was his only exception. Why would I be his only exception, though? He knew that I hated him, yet he still kept trying for me and my love for him. I don't know if he loved me, but if he did, I don't know what I would've done because love is a strong word and it changes me... Anyway, after I told him that I wouldn't go with him, he said something, then suddenly, I passed out cold onto this floor. The next thing I knew, I was in a dark room and a light was turned on to reveal that I was in a bed with a naked Liam. Of course, I was grossed out, but Liam was being nothing but sweet with me, and it was kinda scary. He wasn't being touchy, just gentle and kind."

Louis and Harry were shocked to hear all of this.

"But when I tried to leave, he stopped and told me that he had to get to know me and that I had to get to know him. I asked why he wanted me and why he liked me, and he started throwing sweet comments my way, and I was a blushing mess. After that, he said he was going to tell you guys about me and him and how you're going to freak out."

The couple nods. "It'd be awesome," Louis said with a wink.

Niall rolls his eyes. "Yeah, yeah. He then told me he was going to get me food, then he left. After a little while in my dream state, we were having sëx and it was pretty heated. Now we're here." Niall sighs as he sits back down.

"That's a crazy and very detailed dream. Do you think Liam did all this? Like, put you in that dream state," Harry asks.

Niall shrugs in response. "I'm honestly not sure. It all went so fast and it was right after I hit submit, like I said. I didn't have a feeling where I was being stared at or anything before it happened, so I'm really not sure." He rubs the back of his neck. "Maybe it was Liam? I think he has powers."

The two transfixed boys look at Niall with an odd expression, breaking their stares. "Are you serious, Niall? That's insane. Liam having powers? I mean, c'mon. Are you high?"

Niall smiles softly at the flustered Louis. "I'm definitely not high. When Liam was being sweet with that comment earlier today, I changed. Like, my whole body felt this buzz or tingle that literally changed my perspective on him. It's like he took over my mind."

The couple frown but nod together. "That is kinda odd," Harry said as Louis bit his bottom lip softly. "Maybe you're on to something. Something... paranormal."

Niall shivers. "I hate paranormal shït."

The couple chuckle. "We know, Nialler. But seriously, you're on to something because we think there is something off with Liam, also."

Niall shrugs again. "Too much thinking going on today."

Louis smiles. "Why don't I make us some tea?"

Niall smiles. "That'd be great, thanks."

Louis smiles then walks off, pecking Harry's lips before actually doing so, leaving Niall and him alone. "So... How was the sëx in the dream?"

Niall rolled his eyes at Harry's question. "Honestly, it was hot, Harry. I still hate Liam, though." Niall clenches his jaw. "I believe the three of us will find something out about him. I'll do something drastic because you know I love to do drastic things."

Harry grins. "You sure do. The most drastic thing you could do is be in a sëx tape with Liam, pretend you like him, to then find out what his secret is."

Niall's eyes grew wide again. "Harry... That's perfect!" He squealed as he stood up from his seat again. "You're brilliant!" Niall kissed Harry's cheek as he laughed.

"Thanks, Nialler."

Niall sighed happily. "The only bad thing is that I'll have to have sëx with Liam. But it'll be worth it because then I'll know his secret, and it'll ruin him, hopefully."

Harry pouted after Niall's words. "But I want more sëx tapes with Liam in it." Niall glared at Harry as he crossed his arms, Harry then raising his hands up in defense.

"I'm sorry, Nialler. I guess I'll have to find another sexy pornstar to watch."

Niall nodded with the same smile as before. "In all honesty though, thank you."

Harry nods. "No problem, Nialler."

Niall smiled more than before as Louis walked in with three cups of tea on a little tray. "Louis," Niall said sternly.

Louis looks at him with his brow raised.

"Me and Harry have an idea..."


Okay, I actually really liked this chapter. ;)



Do you think this plan will work?

Will Liam see through Nialls' plan?


You'll see, in the next chapter, or maybe the one afterward, I don't know. Lol.

Until the next chapter, I love all you little beans. <3

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