Dєѧя Dıѧяʏ #2

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•Niall's POV•

Dear Diary,

How are y'all doing today? My day has been awfully strange so far. I just got back from my first day of college, which went by swimmingly, and I just have to write a page about why I chose the class. I'm already halfway done. Impressive, right? I sure hope so. Today has been really strange because of my annoying relationship with Liam Payne.

I know I blabbered on and on about this man child, but he just really likes to push my buttons, and it's honestly really annoying. Right before I went to class, I replied to his comment on my last post, which y'all went crazy about, and he replied to my comment, which somehow changed my mind, like my whole mind, and train of thought.

It's like he got into my brain, rewired it for like, five minutes, and made me kinda like him. Y'all know that I really dislike him, so I'm not really sure on what happened earlier, maybe y'all know though? At least I hope you do because I'm still really confused, and I feel weird, like I might pass out, or die. So, if I don't make more of these diary logs, you'll know why.

This is all Liam's fault, and I know it, which makes me hate him even more. We're the total opposites, which is both good and bad because apparently, opposites attract, which is highly false in my opinion. There are so many reasons why I hate this man child that I'll need an hour or two to type it all. But maybe you're just hiding your feelings deep down, Niall? You may ask.

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