Castaway - Chapter 15

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Chapter 15: Accidents Happen?


“Where are you taking me?”

A ghost of a smile flickered on Ethan’s face, “Secret.”

“How far?”

He turned right, “Not much.”

I nodded and looked out the window, “Hey isn’t it about to rain?”

“It better be.”

I laughed, genuinely, “So it’s perfectly sane if we get caught in the rain?”

“Yes. I love the rain. Don’t you?”

“Yea.” I replied softly.

“Were here!” Ethan made a sharp left, almost crashing into another car.

“Are you out of your freaking mind? You could’ve killed me!”

“Could’ve, but I didn’t.”

“Nice to know.”

He grabbed ahold of my hand; Clasping both of our hand together. When I gave him a questioning look he laughed, “It gets slippery.”


“Was it worth it?” Ethan asked, smiling.

“Definitely, the view is amazing.”

“Oh, sorry. Let me get out of the way to you can see.” He joked.

I laughed, “Funny.”

The water rippled as the koi fish swam gracefully and Ethan tossed rocks lightly inside of the water. The moon was shaped in a crescent; the darkening skies gave it a glowy effect. It’s shadow taking effect on the water.

“How did you find this place?”

“I didn’t mean to. I just felt like such an ass for ignoring you and drove anywhere. My destination? Here.”

How do I respond to that?

“Don’t worry about it.”

“No. From what I’ve seen these past few weeks, I’ll never do it again. You let people walk over you; sometimes it feels like you’re hailing them towards you, making you an easy target for torment. It’s unfair what you’ve been through and have to go through. And I don’t want you to go through it once more with me.”

I pecked his cheek, “Your sweet, Ethan.”

“I have my moments,” He responded; not knowing he was blushing.

I laid down on the mossy grass, “Don’t you wish life had an undo button sometimes?”


“Why not?”

“Hey, you only live once. Live it to the fullest, hell go crazy for all I care. Life wouldn’t be without the occasional mistakes and pain."

“I guess you’re right.”

Only that moment did the rain decide to invade. I laughed, feeling its wet texture on my skin. Ethan’s eyes brightened with amusement as he offered me his hand, “Shall we?”

“We shall.”

With our hands intertwined and our shoes gone, we ran freely throughout the small meadow, rain pouring furiously over us. It was almost like it was trying to stop our enjoyment.

I squealed girlishly as I tripped over slippery grass and brought Ethan down with me or more like I landed on top of him with his hands circled around my waist.

We both blank in surprise and stared into each other’s eyes. For the first time, I noticed a spark inside of Ethan’s. A spark of desire full of passion filled his green eyes.

Slowly, both unsure of our movements, we leaned closer to each other until our lips touched. Our eyes opened in shock when we connected. It was fiery, magical. It was better than the famous kiss in every book. There was no Cinderella or Prince Charming here, only Ethan and I.

Again, both of our eyes closed in pleasure and both of our lips moved together in synchronization.

Trickles of rain mixed in with our kiss. Considering we were underneath the tree, whenever the wind blew, a wave of rain would land on us. I cupped his face and he tightened his grip on my waist. His tongue rimmed my bottom lip, wiping away the rain in the process. I opened my mouth to let him in. Ethan flipped us over so he would be on top. I rolled my eyes, typical.

He let out a small man when I felt his tongue ring accidentally. I smirked and purposely skimmed through his tongue piercing.

Just as our kiss became heated, all of the overwhelming pain hit me. It hit me hard. I pulled myself away and curled up in a ball crying my broken heart out.

Ethan smoothed out my hair, “Are you okay?”

“No.” I sobbed.

“I-I’m sorry Essence. I should’ve known you were still hurting. I’m sorry, I took it too far.”

“Don’t be sorry Ethan.” Because I’m not.

“Well I am.”

“Don’t it was my fault. God, I feel like a whore.”

“Now that’s crossing the line.” Ethan said angrily, grabbing hold of my chin gently.

“Listen to me, Essence. You are not a whore! If anything it’s my fault for falling for a taken girl. Don’t think so lowly of yourself. You’re beautiful, inside and out Essence.”

I gave a teary smile, thanks for trying.

“No problem. Now do you want to leave?”

I looked down at my clothes, “Can we do to a store first?”

“Nah, it’s actually the perfect time to give you your birthday presents.”

“Oh you didn’t have to-”

He pressed his finger on my lips, “I wanted to.”

The corners of my lips tilted upwards as Ethan covered my eyes and steered me somewhere.

“Open your eyes.”

I opened my eyes to find a huge bag, “What’s in it?”

“Look.” Ethan grinned.

Curiously I peeked inside of the bag and hugged Ethan, “Thanks.”

“Well where are you going to change?”

“Ah, go away?” He nodded and jogged towards a forest.

Hurriedly I changed into fuchsia skinny jeans and a tight fitting Black Veil Brides top. I traded my ruined heels for black converse high tops.

“Done!” I screamed, with the cleanest spot on my dress I wiped away my ruined makeup.

“One more thing Essence.”

I cocked an eyebrow as I ran my fingers through my messy locks, “What?”

“My personal favorite gifts for you.”

His wet hands secured the glittery diamond music note necklace and the bracelet while I held my hair.

“How does it look?” I asked; biting my lips nervously.

“Beautiful.” Ethan breathed, blushing.

He kissed me quickly; three seconds and the fire ignited inside of my body.

“Sorry. I had to. You’re too tempting for your own good Essence.”


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