Castaway - Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 : Lost In My Thoughts


"The usual?" I asked happily.

Tanner snorted, "Where else?"

Foolishly I stuck my tongue out at him.

After Natalie closed up the shop,we piled inside of Locke's car and headed to the movies. Everytime we perform afterwards we celebrate. Movies, fairs, amusement parks, water parks. Things along the lines of that. While Locke and Nat went to go get the tickets, me and Tanner hit the arcade.

After playing most of the games there we went inside of the Photo Booth.

Coming out of the booth laughing, when we saw the pictures we laughed even louder. On the first one we stuck out our tongues and made the rock symbol. Second, we crossed our eyes. On the third picture I leaned against Tanner, my fingers in the form of agun. The fourth was pretty normal. I sat on Tanner's lap, smiling softly at him. While Tanner kissed my cheek, eyes closed smiling as well.

After splitting the picture in half, we catched up with Natalie and Locke. They bought tickets to go see Beastly.


"Thanks for the ride!" I kissed Tanner and Locke's cheeks, giving Nat a small hug.

"No problem kid,"

I rolled my eyes, still keeping the huge smile on my face. Regretfully I turned around facing what I'm supposed to call home. Think of sad thoughts, Essence. Sad thoughts.

Soon  enough the smile that was glued to my face, melted off. I crossed my fingers, let them be asleep. Please, let them be asleep. The door creaked slightly, the lights were off. So I took that as a good sign. I counted the steps when I had walked up the stairs.

I made sure I didn't step on the sixth step. When I reached the last step, the lights flickered on and I found myself face to face with my parents. This isn't good.. Slowly a cold shiver went down my spine, a knowing sick feeling moved around inside of me.

Fear consumed my whole body. I'll be lucky if I escape this little gathering with a few bruises only.

"Where were you!?" My mother screeched.

"I-I was out with friends." I stammered. They didn't know it, but I was speaking the truth.

My father laughed out loud. It was a dreadful laughter, filled with menace.

"What friends? You have no friends, Essence." He chocked out.

I hung my hea, they don't know anything. About Tanner, Locke, Natalie. Our shows at the cafe. Or the cafe in general.

"Now, where. Were. You?" My mother repeated.

I kept my head hung and closed my mouth shut. A technique I've picked up over the years. Cool, unpleasant finger went down my chin. Forcefully making my eyes come in contact with mother's eyes. Her hazel brown eyes bored into mine. She slapped me repeadtly across my face; leaving my cheeks burning.

I kept myself silent, emotionless. Taking the blows head on without any complain. On  the inside though, I wanted to scream out in pain. I wanted to pretend that this was there way of showing their love to me.

Even though I knew they didn't love me.

The way they looked at me, treated me was all of pure hate. Nothing else. I paid no attention to the yells or hits going on. Just that lonely pinch inside of my heart. I've never been loved, always hated. Always casted away. No one understands. No one gives a damn thing about me.

If I die, they wouldn't be mourning. They would be happily cheering.

"Do you hear me!?!" Brought me back to the present. I hadn't noticed when she pushed me down the stairs. I moaned quietly. What had she done to me, when I was lost in my thoughts? My sides ached, as did my back from the rough fall. Pain spread through my body. I griped my side, leaning back against a nearby sofa. I closed my eyes, waiting for them to leave.

Angrily I heard them stomp off, slamming the door for dramatic effect. Knowing I couldn't get up on my own, I closed my eyes and fell asleep on the floor.


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