Youre not leaving

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Brent's P.O.V
    No this isn't going to happen... Not now. She's barely been here.

I put my arm around train and walked her upstairs. She could barely walk. She wasn't crying now... She was too shocked.

     I sat her on the bed and she starred at my wall. She didn't say a word. No expression, no nothing.

"I'm not gonna let this happen..." I said quietly.

".... She's gonna kill me." Train said in barely a whisper

"No she won't.... Cause you're not going back. I have a plan... I think but I'm not gonna let you go now." I said walking out of my room.

How could my mom be so ignorant and have the audacity to tell me that I can't date her... It's not right.

I slammed the bathroom door shut and punched the door. Why couldn't she just understand?!

I'm in hell.

I ran back in my room and found train and siren crying. Siren has to leave too. But there not going to

I gave siren a hug and train walked back into the bathroom and I heard a loud ear shattering scream.

I shot up and ran over and banged on the door.

"I'm fine!" She shouted.

I grabbed my lock opener from my room and unlocked the door. She was in a fetal position just like when Justin  told her that she should go back to the adoption center.

I sat down and hugged her.

"Your not going back.... Over my dead body." I kissed her forehead and rested my chin on the top of her head

I got out my phone and texted all the guys to come over tonight and sleepover so we can prevent my mom  from taking siren and train back to the adoption center.

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