to the club/ with A/N at the end please read

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      "um.... hey guys..." i said facing everyone with a guilty-ish smile. everyone looked at me. "well... i was saving this for another night, but seeing as we have no time, i figured why not tell you now."

Brent and Siren looked at me confused. I pulled out a fake id for everyone.

"this took a while to get but i thought it would be fun, ya know" i said shrugging my sholders.

matt walked up to me seeming angry. I looked down, i felt like i had done something wron- "MATT PUT ME DOWN." i said as he happily picked me up and twirled me around the room shaking me from my thoughts.

"train, your a genius." siren said taking hers.

Brents P.O.V
     i cant believe train would do this... its perfect. i smirked at her and grabbed my id.

"good job babe." i kissed her cheek.

everyone smiled and grabbed there id.

"what are we going to do with these?" monster asked looking at his in amazement.

"club?" Jake said smirking at siren. Siren looked up at Jake, and he grabbed sirens hand and kissed it. she smiled at him.

wait... are they dating now? oh well.

"TO THE CLUB!" matt yelled swinging Train over his shoulder and running out the door. i get nervous when he runs away with her, i hate hearing her scream unless im the reason... but to the club we go.

everyone walked out the door and piled into the car.

a/n; i am so sorry everyone, i got my phone take away for a very long time because i started dating my bff's bf and im not really allowed to date but i got caught cause thats just my luck... but anyways the last few months have been very eventful... I WA THINKING ABOUT WRITING A STORY ABOUT IT BUT MAKING IT A LITTLE MORE INTERESTING AND STUFF WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK?????????

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