Going to the mall

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Trains P.O.V
"Get up... Violet.." Brent said shaking me.

"Mhhhmmm what." I groaned burring my face deeper into the pillow.

"Im going to take you to the mall to get you some stuff." Brent said grabbing my hand and pulling me up.

"I'm too tired..." I mumbled.

Brent grabbed my arm and threw me over his shoulder with little effort.

"Brent put me down!" I squirmed and kicked but he was too strong and made sure I didn't fall.

I was in a black veil brides tshirt and black leggings. Brent carried me down the stairs and out the front door. The sun blinded me so I closed my eyes and almost fell asleep till I heard a car door open

"No it's too early.." I wined

Brent carefully sat me in the passengers seat and buckled me up. He closed my door and got in the drivers seat. He started the car and drove off to the mall.

~~~~~skipping car ride~~~~~
Trains P.O.V
"So, where do you want to go?" Brent asked opening my door.

"Hot topic!!" I yelled grabbing Brent's hand and running inside.

Right outside hot topic I saw Justin and his 'crew' Brent noticed and his face got red with anger.

"C'mon." I said grabbing my Han and walking in the opposite direction.

We walked into the food court and sat down.

"Are you okay?" I asked seeing the anger in his eyes

"I can't believe he would do this to us! He did it on purpose!" Brent ranted about Justin for a while until I stopped him.

"C'mon." I said grabbing his hand and walking towards Justin and his crew.

They were still standing right out side of hot topic waiting for us. I gave Justin the finger as we walked past him and into hot topic.

Justin followed us inside and I could see that I gave him a huge black eye.

"So are you bragging to everyone that a girl gave you a black eye." I said faking innocents.

"You said you got hit by a football." One of Justin's crew members said looking confused

"No I punched him." I stated.

"Listen-" he started with his face getting red.

I cut him off, "No you listen! You and your little crew better get the hell out of here before I jack up your already jacked up face, got it?!" I yelled getting closer to him.

One of the girls in his crew with a fake spray tan and mini skirt stepped up and got real close to me.

"Can you back up? Your face is giving me a headache." She said smirking

"Are you sure it's not the amount of perfume your wearing?" I said.

She gasped and ran off crying. The crew followed after her but Justin stayed.

"Don't think this isn't over." He said through his teeth. He turned around and followed after the crew.

"I love you." Brent said hugging me. I laughed and hugged him back.

"Now go pick out all the stuff you want and I'll pay don't worry." He said smiling.

"What?! No I'll pay don't worry." I said walking off.

He followed me as I picked out skinny jeans, a sleeping with sirens shirt, blood on the dance floor bracelet, black veil brides T-shirt, and more ripped skinny jeans. I set them all up on the counter. And pulled out my credit card.

Brent pushed me back on my butt and handed the cashier his credit card.

"Brent!" I yelled standing up.

"Sorry princess." He said kissing my forehead.

"You guys are a cute couple." The cashier said handing the credit card back.

"Oh we're not dating." I said laughing a bit. Brent looked at me and kissed my forehead once more.

"Why not?" He said shrugging his shoulders

"Cause I'm your sister." I said grabbing the bag full of cloths

"Yeah..... But we're not related." He said as we walked out of the store. I decided to change the subject

"Brent, I want to get my hair dyed." I said randomly.

"I think your hair looks fine." He said stroking it.

"I know, but I want something different than just black." I said looking up at him through my eyelashes.

"If that's what you want," he grabbed my hand, "c'mon."

He walked me into a little salon in the mall.

"How may I help you." The girl working at the counter asked us.

"I want to get my hair dyed." I said

"Okay it will be about five minuets." She said moving her hair behind her shoulder.

*5 minuets later*

"Train?" A tall blond called waiting at the door. I stood up and followed her back to her working space.

I sat down in her chair and she started examining it.

"Do you know what color you want to dye it?" She asked looking at me in the mirror. I shook my head

"I got it!" She said smiling. She grabbed her phone and showed me half black and blue hair. My eyes lit up.

"I love that." I said smiling.

"Let's do It!" She said lowering me down to the sink.

*1 hour later*

My hair looked amazing I loved it. The blue was the prettiest shade of blue and she touched up on my black.

She dried my hair an straightened it. Then she teased and used hairspray.

"Done!" She squealed.

She helped me up and walked me back to the waiting area where Brent was. Brent's eyes widened and then he smiled.

"I love it." He whispered in my ear.

I went to grab my credit card to pay but Brent grabbed my arm.

"I already payed for it." He said smirking.

"Damnet Brent!" I said hitting his shoulder.

I waved goodbye to the the girl who did my hair and the girl working the counter.

"Ready to leave?" Brent asked showing me the time.

"It's already 6!" I said shocked. Brent nodded his head.

"Okay let's go." I said taking his hand and running to JC penny and out the exit to our car.

Brent and I were both out of breath. We got in the car and headed home. We were probably going to watch movies or something when we get home.

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