Birthday (Chapter 26)

Start from the beginning

"We ready to go?" I asked, pulling myself off the bed and walking towards my shoes. Leah nodded her head just as she placed her wand in her boot leg, she snapped back up and smiled at me.

Once I pulled my shoes on we made our way downstairs and into the common room. As we walked through, a few cards were given to me and the odd happy birthday could be heard bouncing around the room. I clutched onto my cards tightly as we carried on walking through the small crowd and towards the exit.

"Phew I thought we would never get out" Leah sighed next to me, stopping short of the one paintings Leah leaned back onto the wall and slowly regained her breathing. It really wasn't that bad I can assure you.

"Ahh, there you are Leah" a far off cry could be heard saying. Leah groaned just as the person came into view.

"What, Alex" Leah said through gritted teeth. She really wasn't in the mood to talk to Alex, but who could really blame her. His casual cocky smile was enough to drive anybody insane, unless you are in your 6th year then it's completely different.

"Professor McGonagall wants to see us now in her office" he spoke with smugness. I rolled my eyes at how arrogant he was being, especially with Leah.

"Fine. But if you make a move Alex I swear to god that will be the last thing you do. Got it?" Leah bid me goodbye and marched her way back along the corridor which Alex came down from. Alex was hot on her heels making sure she was only a few meters in front of him.

Once I had made it to the great hall, I was immediately attacked by cuddles from Jane and Ashley and even Lee could be seen popping his head in now and then.

"So how does it feel to be another year older birthday girl?" Ashley asked jokingly like.

"Right now, not good?"

"Why's that?" Jane piped up saying confused like.

"Because Jane, I currently have two girls who tackled me for hugs that are now lying on top of me, crushing my windpipe, and to top it off I currently have something sticking in my bum cheek and I swear to god I'll kill Lee if he has dropped one of his pens again."

Quick apologies were said before Jane and Ashley jumped off of me, allowing me to be helped up. Looks like Lee can live another day, for it was only a splinter.

"Here's the birthday girl, guys" Fred said standing up. He hoped out of his seat with his arms wide open ready to engulf me into one of his many hugs.

"Please no more hugs, I just want some breakfast" I said as I quickly patted Fred's shoulder and sat down. Fred looked rather dumbfounded for a second before he moved his right hand over his heart and displayed a rather more saddened look.

"sorry Fred we can have a cuddle later I promise"

"I'm holding you to that" Fred said as he came to sit down opposite me. Instantly I clicked that something wasn't right.

"Where's George?" Fred's eyes widened with shock as he began to think of something to say.

"He's gone out" Lee said before he took a bite of his toast.

"Out where?"

"He didn't say. He just got up really early this morning and left" something wasn't right I could feel it.

"Anyway enough about George what about Vay got any plans for today?" Ashley asked as I began to tuck into my bacon and eggs.

"um i dunno really maybe do a bit of homework and just chill by the lake i haven't really decided yet"

"Chilling by the lake yes.... Doing homework thats a no right there" I stopped what I was eating as I heard the all to familiar voice speak behind me.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2015 ⏰

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