Twenty six.

243 12 0

2 days later....

Crystals pov:

Today is the day that jason and i go on our flight to Chicago, i have all my personal and valuables in my suitcase so im ready to go.

We are half way to the airport and we just listen to the radio since out flight is early in the morning jason and i were kinda silent because we were tired.

We pull up in one of the parking spaces to park out car in and got out of the car and grabbed our luggage.

We walked into the airport and it was 4:30am and out flight toke off at 5:30am so we still had an hour to waste.

I went to the snack shack while Jason got our tickets, i just bought us some chips and a drink since the rest of the food was really expensive.

Jason came back from buying the tickets and we both sat down and waited for them to call our flight.

Jason and i just ate our chips and talked more about his family because i wanted to learn more about them before i go and actually meet them in person

"Flight to new Orleans is now boarding" the flight lady said while me and Jason jumped up and ran to the plane.

Luckily we got there just in time, we toke our seats which were way in the back of the plane.

Jason and i settled down in our seats while i laid my head on his shoulder, he looked down at me and kissed my forehead and whispered "my beautiful girl"   While i just smiled at the fact that he knows me as "his girl" its so cute.

Our plane started taking off and i got a little scared since I've never been on a plane before so i held on to jason really tight and he chuckled a little "are you alight there" he said as he laughed "does it look like i am" i said as i looked up and him

I looked outside my little window that was on the plane and just being on this plane with the love of my life was amazing already, but seeing this beautiful view of the world is so magical i cant explain it.

I looked back at Jason and he was just on his laptop so nosey me wanted to see what he was doing, i looked at his screen and he was just emailing people back and forth about this whole movie thing, I'm super excited to be with him through this journey of his, i just pecked his cheek and toke out my phone from my pocket and just checked my social medias.

All i saw on my phone was just boring things. So i just got off of it and turned it off. I needed to use the restroom so i got up and squeezed between Jason to get through.

I came back from the bathroom and saw that Jason was passed out with his computer open to i went over to him and shut it and put it away in his bag.

After that i sat down in my seat and pulled out my phone and headphones and plugged them into my phone of course then i laid my head on jasons shoulder and fell asleep...


So sorry for not updating i have been busy with school and homework so please dont get mad ive been trying my hardest to write but i have no time but im gonna try to post more this week. But thanks for the support and i love you all so much💗 xoxo

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