Chapter Twenty Two

Start from the beginning

Yeah. That asshole had a huge hand in getting me detention. He messed with me again today and I knew I was going to rip off his argh! I knew he was going to use that kissing-on-the-soft-spot tricks again with me.

Anyway, the phone call....

"Where the hell are you?" He shouted on the other side.

"Going home, you dickhead! I am SO late because of you today.." I shouted back while sitting in my car and breathing.

"Come home! Fast. I want you I want you....just come!" He sounded desperate.


Let's play some games with the bad boy.

"Um...why?" I asked; finally driving the car out of the parking.

"Because mom and dad aren't here on the weekend. It's and me." He sighed sexily before saying this.

I dreamed of us alone in his room getting all crazy and dirty...
It was quite a scene.

"I'm tired Zayd. I'll head to my place first. Will take a shower, and then come," I mentally giggled as I said this.

"NO!" He shouts "just come..." He pleaded.

He never pleaded me like this. Mmm... Something's going on here.

"Okay. I'm on my way!"

I reached his place after a good fifteen minutes. When I said I was tired, I wasn't at all lying about it.
I lazily walked up the stairs and headed straight to his room, pushing the door and landing my body on the comforting queen sized bed in front of me.

As soon as my chest felt a soft mattress below, I breathed calmly.
I closed my eyes; not bothering to look around. Or to find him.

I am way too sleepy.

"At least take your shoes off.." Zayd said; pulling my shoes out of my feet.
I chuckled a little when I felt he was taking out my socks as well.

I wondered if he was going to take my uniform out too.

But he didn't.
He just made me both angry and embarrassed.

"At least wax your legs!" He mocked.

My eyes shot open and I sat down on the bed the next second; looking at my legs.
I found nothing. They were all waxed and glowing.

That butthead!!!

"I AM GONNA TAKE YOUR LIFE OUT OF YOU, YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" I shouted and threw pillows at him; he dodged and threw every one of them towards me.

They all straight landed on my face; making me lay down on the bed once again. My back felt the soft comfort again and I just wanted to sleep now.

"Oh my God, one of your nails are broken..." He tried to fool me again but I just closed my eyes and wished for him to just disappear.

"Never mind!" He said and I heard his footsteps walking away.

After a moment, the curtains were closed, the AC was on and a blanked was wrapped around me.
I quickly shrunk and slept like a snail curled up in her bed.

For a moment, I think I heard someone talking to me. But I was too tired and sleepy to check that...

I felt someone's lips on my forehead and then nothing.

I wondered if it was Zayd... He was too sweet. Too hot. Too good.
I loved his company. I loved his presence. I loved his everything.

I loved best friend.

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