Seto took the lead and stared at the giant creature, Hesitantly Seto brushed his hand against the horse's neck, he felt the soft but rough fur against his palm. The horse turned its head so that it's brown eyes looked into Seto's brown eyes.

"See, he's very calm. Have you mounted a horse before?" Seto shook his head no.

"Adam are you even listening?!"

"Yes." He said then looked to Seto, "Well first off, take the reins in your left hand and a bit of your horse's mane." Adam pointed to the reins that rested on the saddle of the horse. Seto took them in his left hand and grabbed the mane, "Next, put your left foot in the stirrup, here."

Adam pointed to the stirrup, Seto carefully did as he was told and saw the horse watch him with careful eyes. He'd never seen such a calm creature, it made Seto smile a bit, even after all the things that happened.

"Ok, you see this?" Adam pointed at the front of the saddle, the strange part of it that was poking out, "This is the horn, now here," he pointed to the other end of the saddle that was raised up and slanted, "This is the cantle. Just grab this and using your right leg, spring up and over the saddle, while firmly grabbing the reins with both hands."

Seto nodded and Adam stood back, "D*mmit Adam! Listen to me!" Seto jumped up, he felt for a moment like he was floating, then suddenly he lost his balance. He fell back, with a shout he let go of the reins and mane with out thinking, his arms cartwheeling back. He felt arms catch him and pull him away. He looked up to see Adam helping him back up.

"Oh Notch! I forgot to check to make sure it was secured properly! I'm and so sorry Seto!"

"It's ok.." He felt his stomach jump around in his body, and clutched it tightly.

"There, the cinch wasn't properly fastened. It should be fine now, just a small mistake" Seto nodded, he had a feeling it was no mistake. He was sure it wasn't Adam's doing, but that doesn't mean it wasn't someone else's. He breathed in and out and did the whole process again.

Now safely on the horse, Seto watched Adam do the same thing with ease. His horse made quiet noises and stomped its feet before settling down. "Alright! And we'll be off!" Adam clicked his tongue and turned his horse away. His horse complied and walked at a steady pace, without being told Seto's horse followed.

"Whoa!" Seto shouted with surprise as his horse walked, making the world bump up and down.

"Adam wait!" Ian ran to the side of Adam's horse, "Don't you dare leave!"

And they were off, leaving the army camp in the dust. Soon they left the camp walls and were trotting down the dirt pathways. Seto wouldn't lie, he already didn't like riding horses, no matter how kind or gentle they are, riding them was not very comfortable.


With about half a day, they made it to the border of Emedo and Duhita. And in just a few minutes, Adam said they would arrive at the river.

Seto could already tell the land was very different to Emedo's, even though both had grass. Here the grass was taller and darker.

Setting off at a steady pace once more, Seto closed his eyes to relax, since his horse did a lot of the leading. He just needed to stay alert every now and then. Seto felt the calming presence of the wind in his hair, at the moment he had his hood down. The unfamiliar weight of Adam's cape flowed in the wind. Seto could hear the steady beat of hooves far off--

He perked up and opened his eyes, listening very carefully as he cautiously glanced around, "Adam! Do you hear that?!" He panicked.

"Don't worry, that's just Ian," he calmly said.

Falling to Rise [Book 1 of Fate]Where stories live. Discover now