"Ayana," Lauren pleaded. "Get back, he's going to kill you."

Shadow turned, her eyes glassy, tear tracks stained into her face. She smiled at Lauren, one of the only people she had come to care about. Michael was gone, and there was nothing that could fill that void, not even Lauren.

"I have nothing left to fight for."

She exhaled and shot. Just as the bullet left the chamber, it reacted in seven more. The odds didn't do her any favors and Ayana fell to the ground. Lauren watched as the life left her eyes, but her smile still remained. Lauren felt as though she had been stabbed in the heart, she wished with every part of her that they would both find eachother.

Lauren shook uncontrollably. She wanted to curl up and she wanted the ground to suck her up. Usually in these situations she was cold and calculated, but this time it was different. She was loosing everyone she cared about, one by one. Carl didn't know how to act, they were severely outnumbered.

Shots echoed through the night, but they weren't directed at Carl or Lauren. Above them, on the roof of the main building, the other members of the circle shot at Bennett and his followers. Carl knew it was best to move while there was a distraction. He grabbed Lauren and shook her again until she snapped out of her daze. Her eyes were glassy and Carl felt a pang in his heart looking at her.

"Move!" He yelled and she nodded. Seconds later Lauren was in the drivers seat of the car and Carl pushed himself into the passenger side. Lauren turned the key and put the car into gear. She slammed on the acceleration and the car jolted forward. It gradually got faster and faster until they were speeding down the streach of road towards the gates which were still not open.

She still held her foot down, Carl didn't even get time to protest. They were hurteling towards metal gates of a school. They were shot at from the front and it didn't take a genius to realise that one of Lauren's circle had betrayed them both. Carl and Lauren both ducked as bullets flew over their heads, through the glass of the windshield.

The van smashed into the gate, taking it with it. Sparks flew into the night as the gate dragged across the ground before it was finally driven over by the van. Lauren didn't slow down. She kept driving and driving, swaying from one side of the road to the other.

"Do you even know how to drive?" Carl exclaimed, gripping his seat.

"Not really."

Both front lights of the car were smashed, a dim light eminating from one of them, allowing them to see about a meter or so infront of them. Lauren slowed the car, but not by much. She looked into the side mirror of the car, checking to see if they were being followed.

"Lauren look out." Carl yelled, as the outline of undead came into view.

Lauren snapped her head back and swerved the car to avoid the horde that came into view infront of them. The van hit a bump and hopped into the air, landing on the sloped edge of the road.

Carl and Lauren were both viciously thrown around as the van crashed through the barrier and toppled down the steep forest slope that was along the side of the road. The van turned and turned, smashing into trees before it finally came to a stop, upside down.

Carl was scratched and beaten, but conscious. He looked to his right and saw Lauren, who was unnaturally curled up in the front of the car. The glass from the winshield sticking into her arms and stomach. Carl could smell the gas from the tank as it leaked out. He shook Lauren who groaned in responce.

Lauren pushed herself up, the glass digging into her palms and fresh blood trickled from the new wounds. Her vision was blurred and her head throbbed. She punched the remaining shards of glass from the side window and crawled out. Every movement causing pain to spread through her body. Shards of glass stuck out of her arms, and a much bigger shard in her shoulder. All she could see was smoke, blood and fire.

Forever Unfinished // Carl GrimesWhere stories live. Discover now