Chapter Twenty.

Începe de la început

The words he said did something to it melted my inside.

He said he will catch me. Just a simple phrase. But it left me having butterflies in my butt. Yeah butt.
I am a strange human being.

"Okay..." I nervously said and closed my eyes before I jumped.

I landed on him as he got hold of me and we both fell down on the grass. He covered my mouth with his palm as he knew I was going to scream the hell out of my life.

It didn't hurt. I was fine. I was alive.

Thank holy Christ!

"That's it, you're going on a diet from tomorrow!" He said as he started the engine of his car.

"What! Why?" I shouted at him; brushing off the grass on my jeans.

"You weigh like a baby elephant damn it!" He looked like he just came out of coma.

I laughed. Yeah I laughed out on him till my belly hurt and my mouth stopped compromising.

Then I sat straight and looked at him. He was smiling to himself while driving.

"You're such a boy! I am telling you, you weight too much and you're laughing?" He joked.

"Huh. I don't care how much I weigh. As long as you're attracted to my super model like body.." I smirked and said; looking at him.

And then, the most shocking thing happened. 
Holy cow I couldn't believe what I just saw.

I saw The Zayden Parker blush.
He blushed. Because I said that statement?

This was an opportunity I couldn't ever miss.

"You. Are. Blushing." I squeaked and jumped in his car.

"What are you talking about? I don't know....." He stuttered and concentrated his eyes on the road.

"Whatever makes you sleep at night..." I shrugged and looked out of the window.

He just blushed... He never blushes until he likes that girl. And here, the girl is June. My own self!

We enjoyed the rest of the time in car listening and singing our favorites songs coming on the radio. We sang our favorite song 'I like it' shouting the part "One Love One Love" so loudly that I was sure the people in the houses of that street have already called the police.

I LOVED being like this with him. I got to know with him what type of fun boys do, what they liked and how would they react to a situation. I just enjoyed every freaking shit we did together.

We looked so stupid singing and jumping in the car. Some people even laughed at us on our way. A red head laughed so much at us at the red light, that I was furious.
I didn't control and instead, I leaned out of the window at my side and showed her my middle fingers, saying: "Bitch, I'm having fun with my best friend and you're not!!!"

Her face was quite a show.

Zayd laughed a lot at that. She saw him inside the car and the color drained out of her face. Yeah, Zayd kind of did that to a lot of girls.
I was sure she was now cursing her stars after that she laughed at such a super hot guy.
But it turned out to be something else.

"That was Beth! I have had a one night fling with her..." He said as soon as she was out of sight and we were almost at our destination.

"Oh my...that's why her face was almost paled when she saw us together?" I gasped and asked him.

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