Running Date

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You go for a run with your boyfriend, Ansel...

"Ansel!" You holler, tying your shoes as you get ready for your run.
"What?" He pokes his head out from the doorway to the kitchen.
"Do you wanna come for my run?" You put an earbud in one ear and look at him.
"How far are we going?" he asks warily.
"Not too far, don't you worry," you assure him with a laugh.
"Ok, then. Give me a second to change," he responds, trotting upstairs. He comes back down after about 5 minutes, and you put on your music before heading out the door with him. You both take a minute to warm up, and you start jogging, Ansel not far behind.
"Not so fast!" he whines, even though you're not going very fast at all, and you both know he can run faster than you, anyway.
"Oh come on, I know you can do better than that!" you tease, looking back at him. He's barely breaking a sweat.
"Welllllllll..." He grins and speeds up, passing you.
"Hey, no! Wait! That's not fair!" You laugh, running after him. You run neck and neck, and you glance at him. "First one to the park monument wins."
"You're on," he breathes, going forward again.
You sprint toward the park, right on his heels. Just as you're about to pass him...he touches the monument. You come to a stop beside him, breathing heavily.
"I win!" Ansel grins, raising his arms.
"Oh shut up!"
"Winner gets to kiss the loser!" he announces gleefully. You laugh, and he sweeps you into his arms, making you squeal. He pulls you into a kiss, and you feel as enthralled and enchanted by him as the first time you ever kissed him. You pull away and put your head on his chest, since he's much taller than you.
"Every time I kiss you, I feel like I fall in love with you all over again," he whispers, pulling you closer.
"I love you so much, Ansel."
"I love you so much, too."

Ansel Elgort ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now