Chapter 1 My crazy day

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"DJ GET UP!" Emery screamed and kept hitting me in the head with her pillow. "DIDN'T I TELL YOU TO ONLY COME IN MY ROOM UNLESS A ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE HAPPENED, besides what time is it?" I said mainly because I couldn't see the sun. "4:30 A.M. now, GET UP!" Emery said. "Why do you want me to get up so early?" I get board when I am at the castle and I hate going shopping with her. "WHERE GOING SHOPPING!" Emery screamed in my ear. I fell on my floor. "UUUUUUHHHH!" I said. Come on or I will drag you off the floor in the limo if I have too.

We were at the secret princess mall. My sister went into one of the stores and made me try on dresses. "Do I really have to where a dress, can't I just where a shirt and shorts." I was complaining the whole time because I was so board. Then she made me buy a dress it was a mint green dress with a black headband and get this black high heels and she was talking about "OMG curl your hair blah blah blah cute princes' blah blah blah love at first sight blah blah blah, ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME!" Emery screamed in my ear. "Well I am def now thanks to you. Why do i have to fake being someone I'm not." I asked her. She looked at me like I was mentally ill,"your a princess that's who you are duh." Emery said. Sometimes I think she mentally stupid.

(5 hours of shopping later finally home)

Sorry if my first chapter was boring but I will keep righting and get better.👍

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