"I'm sorry Reign" he breathed.
"you're sorry, just shut up. I'm sick of you saying how sorry you are. For months you left me alone and rejected Derek, what makes you think I'll just forget about it" the tears started to run down my face and I just slumped my self down the wall, not being able to hold them back anymore. Pulling my knees into my chest I sobbed.

Derek stood and came to sit in front of me. He reached out his hand to put on my cheek and I winced. Realising my reaction he slowly put his hand in his lap. I sobbed and sobbed not wanting to look up at him, but I knew he was still sitting in front of me.

Before I could move I felt his arms around me and lifting me up, he gently placed me on the bed, pulling the covers over me. I curled up and faced the opposite direction, I felt like a little kid but my heart was still aching. I felt the bed dip and I opened my eyes, staring back at me was him and those beautiful hazel eyes. It felt like they were looking into my soul.. Pain and grief written all over his face as I watched him stare back at me.

"please baby, stop crying. I don't know what you want me to do. I'm so sorry Reign" he pulled into his chest as I sobbed, silently. Just by his touch my tears, began to slowly stop. My breathing became shallow, it felt peaceful just laying her in his arms.

"I'm sorry Reign, forgive me please" he whispered into my ear, rubbing my back. I laid in his arms with my eyes closed, my face against his beautiful chiseled chest. I breathed out slowly.
"forgive me" he cooed
As I kept my eyes closed and my breathing went back to normal.


I woke, my head pounding, my eyes stinging from all my crying last night. I looked around the room, and it was just me on this huge bed.
Seriously he left me here alone.
I rolled over and shook my head.
I realised I cried myself to sleep in Derek's arms.

I grabbed my phone and it was ten o'clock. I slowly got off the bed and went into the bathroom, staring at my puffy eyes in the mirror I ran some warm water into the basin. I washed my face and looked back into the mirror, grabbing the tooth brush I used last night, I brushed my teeth and tied my hair into a pony tail.

I walked out of the bathroom and still the bedroom was empty, I saw my dirty clothes on the ground and I found a backpack. I shoved my clothes into the backpack and walked downstairs.
"good morning" Sam was sitting at the table eating her cereal.
"morning" I replied swinging the bag over my shoulder.
"where are you off to" she asked noticing I had my keys in my hand.
"I should probably get going" I looked around the house was empty.
Sam watched me and answered my question I was thinking inside my head.
"everyone's gone for their morning training session, they should be back soon" she smiled with a mouthful of cereal.

I felt weird about leaving without seeing Derek and talking about last night but I also don't want to have a conversation about what happened last night.
"did you have a good sleep" she asked with a big smile on her face. Snapping me out of my thought.
"yeah I suppose." I blushed.
"his rooms nice huh" she giggled.
"I didn't realise that was his room, I've never seen it before." I admitted.
She laughed again.

I stood in the doorway playing with my keys. "ok, I gotta go" I smiled, turning to head for the door.
"wait stay have breakfast, they should be back soon" Sam called after me.

"it's ok I'm not hungry, see ya" I called back and walked to my jeep. I jumped in and zoomed out the driveway.

I got back to Sarah and Deniss' house.
I walked in and Sarah looked at me with a big grin.
"well did you enjoy the rest of your night" she smiled while she was getting ready for work.
I just shrugged and headed up the stairs.
"I'm gonna take a shower." I called back down to her.
"ok ill see you when I get back." she replied.

After my shower I got changed and ran downstairs into the kitchen I was starving. After throwing up yesterday's breakfast I realised I hadn't eaten pretty much anything else. I whipped up scramble eggs and quickly scoffed it down. Sitting at the table I checked the laptop and read through my emails.
There was one from Willow.

Hey Reign,
We can't wait to see you. Our flight has changed, my passport came in early. We fly in on Tuesday 9:30 am.. Jackson asked if you could air the house out. We'll see you when we land.

Willow x

P.s. I can't believe we're all going to be living together. Can't wait!

They'll be here tomorrow. I went into the laundry room and collected up all the cleaning chemicals I could find.


I reached the house and cleaned it up top to bottom. I Made Jackson's bed and cleaned up the spare room. Me and Jackson never used it because he didn't mind sleeping on the couch, now that Willow will be staying with us I suppose I'll have the spare room. I wondered how I was going to tell Sarah that I was moving back in with Jackson.

It took me all day to clean out the house but it was well worth it. I opened the fridge looking for something to eat, damn it's empty. I groaned because I couldn't be bothered getting something to eat so I just ordered in.

I scoffed back half a pizza before relaxing on the couch. My phone started to ring. It was Sarah.

"where are you" she asked.
"I'm at Jackson's" I replied.
"oh" her voice sounded hurt.
"what's up?" I questioned.
"well we were hoping you wanted to come to the pack meeting tonight" she responded.
"I'll see, I'm almost finished up here." I replied.

Rejected AbroadWhere stories live. Discover now