Operation Breakup Part 2

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Nicole smiled at him and took a seat next to him after putting eggs, two slices of toast, bacon, two sausages and some grilled mushrooms on her plate and a tall mug of coffee. I looked at the amount of food she'd taken and wondered how my mom possibly said she hardly ever ate, when all I had was a small bowl of cheerio's.

We all sat in an awkward silence before I decided to break it and put my plan into motion. I cleared my throat, "Um Nicole." I called and she looked at me.

"I was thinking over about the way I reacted last night and I think it was very uncalled for." I paused and gulped feeling sick over the words I was about to say.

"You think?" Liam asked.

Ignoring the creature who supposedly was my brother I continued "So I um, I want to apologize for all the horrible things I said you-to both of you. I-I'm sorry."

Nicole smiled at me. "Oh don't worry about it sweetie, I understand why you were so angry, I would've probably reacted the same way if my car got crashed by someone else."

"I know but I did overreact and it was just a car, I guess I'm glad that you didn't get hurt." I forced the sweetest of smiles I could muster.

"That's so sweet of you Carly." Nicole smiled widely and walked over to me to give me a bone-crushing hug. I awkwardly hugged her back.

When she pulled away I saw that the smile hadn't left her face, "And I have spoken to Kyle, I made sure he never messes with another girl again and I am so sorry on his behalf for what he did to you. I'm glad Mason punched him in the face."

I frowned. "Kyle?"

"Yeah the guy who you accused Nicole of having an affair with, turns out he's a cousin." Liam told me bitterly.

"He's not worthy to be called my cousin; I'm ashamed he's even related to me after what he did to Carly." Nicole said sourly.

I raised a brow, I guess Nicole wasn't cheating on Liam with Kyle but she could be lying and saying Kyle is her cousin to cover up her infidelity besides I still hated her and she was the reason for my brother literally hating me right now.

"I'm so sorry again sweetie." Nicole told me and pulled me in for a hug again.

I smiled. "Don't worry about it; I'm glad I'm forgiven right?"

"Of course." Nicole answered.

I turned to my brother who still looked grim. "Liam?" I asked.

"If I'm right and you're going back to your old ways then I'm not falling for this apology act." He told me coldly and walked off leaving his breakfast.

I had to gulp down the lump that was building in my throat; I was never used to my brother speaking to me like that. "Don't worry about him, he's just a little angry and hurt about what you said last night. He'll come around." Nicole smiled at me and walked out after him.

I curled my hands into tight fists at my sides after I was left alone in the kitchen, all because of Nicole and the sooner I was rid of her, the better it was for everyone. I just hoped she would be gone by tomorrow so my brother and I could go back to our old ways or Liam was going to be the one left regretting his behaviour towards me if what the doctor told me a few days ago was proven right.

Pushing away those thoughts I decided I needed to concentrate on my plan if I wanted Nicole gone and for that I had to make sure that Mason had already done his part so I pulled out my phone and sent him a quick text, hoping he was awake and read it.

'Hope your part of the plan is in action, will do my part shortly, be ready ;)'

Mason didn't reply but I still crossed my fingers hoping he actually listened to me and carried out his part of the plan. I, however had to do mine.

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