Part 9: Give it to me

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It was a big day for Stella and LeeLee, they were taking their horses to one of the largest horse shows in California. They begged their parents and Stevie to be there, Lindsey more than happy to bring Stevie along; she still has barely had any experience outside the house.

Kristen and Lindsey sat on the bleachers while Stevie wandered the grounds, Lindsey keeping a close eye on her as even though she disguised herself with a large sunhat and sunglasses, he wasn't going to risk it. She was his responsibility now.

Stevie waved at Stella and LeeLee, the girls bringing their horses over to the fence to show her. It was a special moment for her, rubbing the nose of two beautiful horses. She remembered seeing a music video that Lindsey showed her, wanting to know what it was like to ride on a horse since then - that is since her accident! There was no memory for Stevie with riding that horse during the shooting of, Stand back.

Lindsey watched how Stevie bonded so well with the two animals, laying her cheek against their noses as she tickled underneath their lips. The wind picking up as she instantly placed a hand on top of her head to keep her hat from flying off, her hair blowing around her in a blonde swarm of gold. Yes, she was everything he could ever want.

As the show started, Stevie still stood at that fence, leaning up against it as she admired all the beautiful beasts trailing through the grass and mud. They jumped, walked backwards, turned in circles, and bowed. This definitely brought up Stevie's spirts and Lindsey wanted to make note of this, that he hasn't seen her this happy since the accident. Lindsey took out his phone to snap photos of his daughters but also taking a few close ups of Stevie, he just adored that hat on her. She was wearing a beautiful yellow sundress with a white hat, a black shawl, and for once in her life...flats. Black ballet flats. He thought Stevie looked like a dream and thrilled with the less black in her choice of wardrobe lately. It took him many years to get Stevie to wear anything but black, her not wanting to wear colors, thinking that they made her look "fat". Lindsey thought she was anything but fat and actually liked the extra weight on her, made her look healthier.

Feeling Lindsey's eyes on her, Stevie turned her head to look in his direction, bowing her head at him with a smile as she looked at him over her glasses. He waved at her as she waved back, looking back at the show as she would casually turn to check if he was still observing her. Lindsey would look away when she would turn her head and then he would flush, her doing the same when he'd look towards her. It was adorable and bittersweet.

Kristen was so focused on her daughters that she was oblivious to the two lovebirds, flirting and showing affection from feet apart. Lindsey mouthed, beautiful, at Stevie and she blew him a subtle kiss. He felt like King of the world with the most beautiful Queen wrapped around his heart. How could he go much longer with out making love to the beauty willing to enter his arms?

Being that the girls didn't win but still received ribbons, Lindsey and Kristen took them out for ice cream and Lindsey couldn't believe it when Stevie asked for some. It's been years since he's seen Stevie eat anything in that fashion and he explained to her how he couldn't even remember what flavors she preferred.

"Honey, I don't know what you would like now a days," he regretted.

"What are the girls having?" Stevie asked as she stared through the glass of many flavors.

"Well, Stella is having bubblegum and LeeLee is having strawberry cheesecake."

"What about you?" smiling up at him as she was bent over to admire the frozen desserts.

"Me? I like strawberry," winking at her.

"Then that's what I'll have," she stood up and stepped closer to him. "I want strawberry, too."

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