Chapter 14

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A/N: I had to update. Lauren made a public snapchat. :)

"I gave everything up for you so easily," Lauren starts whispering after a long moment of silence.

She's uncertain if you can still hear her. Your heartbeat has slowed down, as has your breathing. You're probably asleep, even though nowadays You can't really be sure anymore. But that doesn't matter. Lauren needs this to be said. She needs to confess how she feels about you. About the life you two shared.

"I gave you everything so easily. And now that I know the outcome, I've seen the path and the terrible ending ... Y/N, I'd do it again in a heartbeat."

She strokes the top of  your cute nose and starts to smile. You're not responding anymore. You drifted to another place, in her arms. You're far gone and Lauren's heart is breaking. It's breaking with the strength of an earthquake.

"I regret nothing," she whispers through her tears. "Not a single fight, not even your worst day. Because it was so easy, just being with you. So breathtakingly, utterly joyous, exhilaratingly, perfectly easy. And I've never been happier than when I was with you."

She bends over and barely makes it to kiss her your temple. Her head stays there a little longer. To absorb your touch, to memorize the sound of your breathing. And to whisper how much she loves you.

In a matter of seconds, Lauren begins to sob.  She was hurting and you wanted nothing but to hold her so you could comfort her. All you could hear in the room was Lauren's sniffles and crying. Her breathing gets heavy and tears soaked your hospital gown.

"I love you so much." She sniffled in between her sobs. "You have no idea." She cleared her throat before resuming, "Wake up baby. Please. We're going to get married. We're going to have our happy ending right?" Her voice cracked.

A/N: It's short but it'll get better.. this chapter was just add on

A second chance at forever  (Lauren/You)Where stories live. Discover now