Chapter Twenty-Eight

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*December 23rd*

*Ella's POV*

"Zayn where did you put all the bows?!" I yelled into his room.

His door opened and the bag of bows came flying at me. Luckily I had good reflexes and caught it.


Let me explain... It is almost CHRISTMAS!! Everyone is so excited and in happy moods. The boys have had so many great gigs and they even performed in Madison Square Gardens! The hate has gone down a tremendous amount which is always good, but there still are the haters... Haters gonna hate, what can i say? Anyways, why I need bows you may ask? Well it is present wrapping time! Everyone is spread out all across the house wrapping their presents. Niall is in the kitchen, I am in Niall and myself's room, Beth is in her and Harry's room, Harry is in the living room, Zayn is in his and Alyssa's room. YES I KNOW! Alyssa finally moved in! Alyssa is in the dining room, Louis is in his and Emily's room, Emily is in the workout room, then Liam is in his room. The good news is that Danielle will be moving in after Christmas so he is very excited about that! She is currently in the en suite of Liam's room. (soon to be her room) We all wanted to keep the presents a surprise for everyone so no one was allowed to wrap in the same room.

"Liam mate, I need the tree wrapping paper!" I heard an Irish voice yell.

"Come get it yourself."

"Does anyone have double sided tape?"

"Someone give me sparkly ribbon!"

"Ah! I need another pair of scissors."


You could say everyone was pretty into wrapping presents...

I grabbed the scissors and wrapping paper and started cutting the Santa wrapping paper. I grabbed Louis' gift and carefully folded the paper until the gift was covered. I smiled at my completed works of art. Or in other words, my wrapped presents. I smiled at everything then placed the name cards of who's present was who's. Niall of course lent me money which I didn't like doing but he insisted. I then shoved them all under the bed and laid down.

"Who knew wrapping presents would be so tiring." I said to myself.

"Your done too?!" Alyssa said coming into my room and sitting down on the bed beside me.


"I snuck a quick peek downstairs and the rooms NOT LOOKING AT THE PRESENTS, but the progress. The boys need some serious help!" She laughed.

"We should probably go help them."

"Yeah that is what a good person would do..."

I looked at Alyssa and she looked back at me and we started laughing.

"But were not good people." I joked.

"My thoughts exactly."


"Oh gosh, they need our help!" Alyssa confessed.

"That is for sure! Let's go be good people." I laughed.

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