Chapter Twenty-Six

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I unlocked my phone and pulled up the text. My heart sank at what it said.

Text From: Unknown Number

How badly do you want your friends to be safe? How far are you willing to go to keep them safe? Meet me at the Willow Tree at 2am. Tell nobody.

I sighed and rubbed my temples.

"What am I going to do?" I said to myself. I had to do it... I went to Niall and myself's room and changed into something more comfortable. I put sweatpants on and a t-shirt, along with a sweater over top. I put my hair up in a bun and headed out.

I was already half way there when I realized I forgot my phone...


*Niall's POV*

I woke up and looked at the clock to see the time. The clock read 1:42am. Where was Ella? I walked downstairs and couldn't find her anywhere. I went back up to the room, turned the lights on and noticed the room was a mess.

"Maybe she went for a walk." I said trying to convince myself. But who would go for a walk this late? I went around the room picking up her shorts that she wore today, as i picked them up her phone came tumbling out.

"Shit!" I cursed. I checked the phone over making sure no damage was done. I looked at her screen and noticed she had a text.

Luckily she told me her password, it was my birthday. I entered the password and the screen unlocked. I went to her messages and looked at her most recent text.

Text From: Unknown Number

Where are you?


Where was she supposed to be at 2am!? I scrolled through the texts until I reached the top. A pit in my stomach began to grow when I read all the texts.

After I finished reading every message I ran into the hallway yelling. Telling everyone to get out of their rooms. Eventually everyone came out  rubbing their eyes. Once I told them what the texts on Ella's phone said their eyes widen.

"We have to find her!" Beth said in a panic.

"I know! It said to be in the park by 2, and it is 2 right now! We have to go!" I said.

"Hurry!" Louis said as everyone ran to put on shoes and coats.


*At the park*

*Ella's POV*

I walked until I went to the familiar spot I used to always go. I spotted a black silhouette of someone standing under the tree. I wanted to run away but I knew I couldn't if I wanted to keep everyone safe. I kept walking until I was about 6 feet away from the person. Just then I saw movement behind the tree. Another body moved out from behind the tree causing my heart to beat a lot faster.

"Hello Ella." The second body said. I groaned.

"Harley, what do you want from me!?" I pleaded.

"That is no way to greet your father." He said smirking.

"You were the worst father in history!" I said raising my voice.

"What about me?" The first person said, walking towards me as I took a step back keeping my distance.

"Andy? How could you do this to me? With him?!" I explained pointing a finger towards Harley.

"You should have never left me Ella." He said shaking his head.

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