Chapter Twenty-One

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*Niall's POV*

I couldn't believe it. I have lost the girl of my dreams.


"I'm going to the loo!" I shouted over the music. I got up and headed to the glowing 'Bathroom' sign. The music was pumping and I finally reached the door. I went to go reach for the handle until someone grabbed my hand. I thought it was Ella so I smiled to myself.

"Hey Babe." The voice said in my ear. It wasn't Ella.

I groaned when I turned around and saw Ashley.

"Ashley, you're drunk, please let go." I said to her trying to get out of her grip.

"No Niall, I want YOU." She said in a attempt of a sexy voice.

"No, you have Liam."

"Please, you think I actually liked Liam, I did everything to get to you sexy." Ashley said. Before I could even reply she flung herself at me pressing her lips to mine. I couldn't help but think that her lips were anything but inviting, she was too rough. Nothing like Ella's.

I was trying to push Ashley away but she had a death grip on me. When Ashley stopped she smiled at me and I was so confused as to what just happened.

"Niall can I please have my gum back?" She asked bluntly.

What? I don't even have her gum...

"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU!?" Ella yelled, backing up. I turned to see my girlfriend tears streaming down her face, and I was the reason, I hate to see her cry.

"Ella." I started.

"No! Don't start! And to think that I trusted you?! Don't ever talk to me again Niall!" Ella said running towards Beth and the others.

"Finally she is out of the way." Ashley said reaching for my hand again.

"Get off me! Leave me the fuck alone!" I yelled at her running away and chasing Ella.

I ran through the path of people Ella went through just a few moments before. When I saw her talking to Beth I knew that I was going to get it. I saw Ella leaving but I needed to explain, I ran to where Ella just was but Beth stopped me.

"Where's Ella?!" I asked.

"Crying. Good Job Niall. You and Ashley? Wow NEVER thought you would stoop so low." She yelled at me.

"I didn't!" I said stepping forward.

"Enough Niall, she is done with you, how could you do that to her?" She said before leaving me at the bar.

I turned to see the rest of our group looking at me confused. I had to explain to them what happened. Liam was hurt the most.

"That bitch. I should have listened to Ella and Beth!" Liam stood up and headed over to the bathroom hallway to find Ashley.

"I need to go see Ella!" I yelled to the others.

"Niall coming from a girl, let her be for now alright? I have been in her position before sadly, and I know that the last thing that I wanted to do was to see the boy who made me mad." Emily said.

"Yeah okay. I'm going home." I said turning to go to the exit.

"I'll come with you mate." Louis said standing up with Emily by his side.

******Flashback Over******

It's been 5 days since Ella saw Ashley kissing me and I have been horrible.

It was around 2 am when everyone came back from seeing Ella and Beth, which they did almost everyday. I went to bed and was a wreck.I couldn't sleep so I stood up and walked to Liam's door. I knocked three times and stood behind the big wooden door waiting it to open. After a few moments passing by Liam opened the door.

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