Chapter Eighteen

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*Ella's POV* 

When i woke up, the other side of the bed was empty. Niall was already up, so i slowly got up from the bed and proceeded to the door. I grasped the knob with all my might, since my hands were still 'asleep'. 

I walked downstairs to find everyone except Louis in the living room.

"Where's Lou?" I asked.

"He went to Starbucks." Niall said standing up and kissing me on my forehead.

"And he didn't invite me!?" I exclaimed. Pretending to cry into my hands.

"He went with that Emily girl." Zayn said walking out of the kitchen, with a bowl of cereal in his hands.

"Hmmm...BETH GET YOUR ARSE DOWN HERE!!!" I yell up the stairs. Moments later Beth slowly makes her way downstairs rubbing her eyes.

"M'whats going on?" She groans

"Louis is out with that Emily girl!" I say, her eyes widen and a huge grins forms on her face. Niall and Zayn were just daring at us like crazy.

"TIME TO GO DATE CRASHING! By the way since when was Louis an early riser?" Beth asked.

"Love does crazy things to you." I say winking at Niall.

"So you two are going to go crash their date?" Zayn asked.

"Pre Much! We dress up so Louis wont recognize us then we just be stupid and stuff" We replied simply. Beth quickly ran up stairs, and came running down minutes later with her hair in a bun hidden by her over sized jumper (sweater). I ran upstairs also and mimicked Beth's hair and sweater idea, then pulled my sweat pants on and headed downstairs to meet Beth.

"Leggo!" We yelled. "Bye guys, see you soon!!" I yelled to the lads inside the house who still were very confused.

"Byee have fun, try not to scare her away too much!" Niall yelled.

When we finally reached Starbucks, Beth and I peaked our heads in the window and spoofed Louis in the back, obviously trying not to be spotted by fans while on his date. The girl he was with had her back to us so we couldn't see much.

"Proceed!" Beth said, as we walked in, we tried not to get noticed by Louis. We chose to sit at the table behind Louis so his back was facing us. We sat down down and i sent Beth a wink. Time to get started.

First Beth and i disguised our voices, i made my voice very low and Beth made her voice the total opposite, a very annoying squeaky voice. I started coughing everywhere.

"Ugh this terrible cough. I have so much mucus, green slimy mucus honey can you see it?!" I asked

"Oh Sweetie!! I'll check for you darling!" Beth squeaked i could see Louis flinch at the sound of Beth's voice. Of course it would be rude for Louis to turn around so he kept trying to speak to Emily. I signalled to Beth that we needed to continue. Se nodded and she took the straw of her dink in her mouth and started to blow into the cup, making bubbles. The mocha was flying everywhere and i guess some Louis. Still Louis didn't turn around so i brought my arm up to my mouth. I cupped my mouth around my arm and blew as hard as i could, making farting noises. Beth was holding her hand viciously over her mouth trying not to burst out laughing and blowing our cover. Louis quickly turned around looking quite annoyed.

"Look." He started. "We are trying to have a simple date and you tw-"

"We what?" I said sweetly in my normal tone of voice. We both smiled at Louis and his eyes went wide.

"YOU TWO?!" He asked in disbelief.

"What? We don't know you?" Beth said confused.

"Pfft yeah? Well we better get going!" I said waving at him and standing up.

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