Chapter Nine

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*Ella's POV*

Well I woke up back at Beth's house. It was time for us to go home because we had school the next day so here we are. I have asked Beth's mom if I could move in with them, I told her that my dad was really strict and I think I could have better opportunities if I could do what I really wanted to. Luckily Beth's mom bought it so now we share a room. I just have to get all my stuff from my dad's house. This should be delightful. I really didn't want to go alone so I was going to take Beth with me for my safety, plus she offered to come anyways. I didn't think I was ready to face my dad, I knew he would be mad. He had found out where I had "been" and I wasn't there making him look like a fool. I'm so dead. Today luckily wasn't the day we were going. We had school -.- yay. We packed our school books in our bags and headed out the door. I was wearing a skirt with tights, flats and a simple t-shirt and scarf. I also had a jacket in case I got cold. Beth was wearing combat boots, tights and a super cute dress for school. We enjoy fashion. I put mousse in my hair for the "scrunched" affect and Beth straightened her hair. As soon as I saw my school come into sight I let out a huge moan.

"I'm so tired!" I say

"Your not the only one, see you for second period." Beth said as I went to my classroom. I took art and Beth took dance so our first classes weren't together but pretty much the rest of ours were together, we really got lucky. I walked into my classroom to hear the usual talk. One Direction. I decided to join in on the conversation.

"OMG Niall is so cute! I love him! Were going to get married!" One girl named Ashley said. Lets say Ashley kind of rules the school. If your not her friend, she hates you. Let's just say, we aren't friends. We used to be in elementary school, but things change and people change. She met new friends and i met Beth. I am much happier now, except when she targets me to torture.

"Oh yes! Ashley I could tell that you two are going to end up together!" One of her clones said to her, i couldn't tell if she was smiling or just just put more than her usual amount of makeup. Hah yea, your marrying Niall... Right? I was already bored of this conversation so i sat down in my desk,

"Hey, Ella which one are you going to marry?" Ashley said to me. With a smirk.

"None." I replied.

"Why? Because they will realize that you are some ugly, stupid skank." the group of girls around Ashley stopped laughing at me with their piercing annoying laughs, when the teacher walked in and they all scattered. I can't wait till this day is over. I dazed out in the rest of my classes except when I was with Beth.

Finally the day was over and Beth and I were walking home when a car drove up beside us.

"Don't look now but we have stalkers." I nodded and kept my head toward Beth pretending to be talking about something.

"Hey! Don't pretend you don't know me babe!" Ugh it was Beth's old boyfriend Scott. This ought to be good.

"Leave me alone Scott." Beth said

"Yeah she has obviously moved on so you can take you and your shitty ass car away from us. Kay bye." I wasn't letting him get to her.

"Which guy are you sleeping with tonight babe?" He asked. making Beth really upset.

" Go get a life Scott and stop harassing us.. She. Has. Moved. On. to waaaaaaaaay better guys. Do I need to repeat myself any slower to get it through your tiny brain?" I said straight to him. Beth grabbed my arms knowning that I would probably go and try to punch Scott, I have before... once and I was really mad at him for what he did to Beth. I don't let people talk down to my best friend. We made it to Beth's house and decided to just relax. Beth was very emotional after all the things Scott had said to her. I pulled her into my famous hugs.

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