All The Right Moves- Chapter 5

Start from the beginning

I watched as he shut the door and stared at it with adrenaline rushing through my body.

He wanted me, it wasn't about other girls.

But was I ready for another relationship?

One that was possibly endgame? Because knowing Drew, I would never be able to leave our relationship no matter what's to happen.

He just wouldn't allow us to not work out, ever. So when he says that he'd have me always, he sure wasn't kidding.

Was I ready for that?


"Thank god you had another driver for Jack. Love the kid but if I hear how he snagged a girl at the bar back at the lodge one more time I might've shot myself." I said to Drew as we drove away from the airport.

Drew chuckled, "You're telling me."

I was grateful that we left the lodge in one piece, especially leaving Blake, Ethan and Clay behind. They deserved to have some alone family time for a few days so all of us decided to cut our trip a tad bit shorter as a surprise for them.

I smiled and glanced at my phone to turn it on. Almost instantly I had seven missed calls, all from Kenna.

I sighed.

"What is it Tiger?" Drew asked from beside me.

"I don't work for another two weeks yet Kenna can't seem to function a week without nagging the crap out of me." I said reading her texts.

Good, nothing serious.

"Well turn that shit off, you're not working any time soon. I have you for the next weeks, we're not wasting that." He said grabbing my phone and placing it in his jacket.

I rolled my eyes at him, "Whatever you say Superstar."

I noticed the driver pulling up to Drew's neighborhood, "Are we dropping you off first?" I was never taken home after him.

"No." Was all he responded.

"I am not staying over, I have to unpack and wash all of my clothes," I said knowing that he wanted me to stay over his place.

"I have a washer, dryer, housekeeper that can do it all and you have plenty of space to put your clothes in. What's the next excuse you're going to throw at me?" He asked amused.

I crossed my arms, "I would like to go to my house Drew, my house. Not yours."

He looked at me just as we approached the front door to his house in the car, "You can go to your house later but for now, you're staying here, at your home." He stated getting out of the car and taking our bags inside the house.

I felt my insides warm at his statement.

There was no use in arguing with him. When Drew Underwood wanted something, he would do anything to get it no matter what the obstacle. I also felt the need to comfort him in a way. He'd been traveling a crap ton these past few years because of football he was probably excited to finally come home to someone who made him feel at home.

I knew the exact feeling.

I walked in his home and headed straight to the guest bathroom. The second I reached for the lock to lock it, the door was swung open.

"No, you're not a damn guest Tiger, go use my shower. Now." He demanded ushering me to walk past him.

I rolled my eyes, "Ever so territorial. What is it with you?" I asked walking to his room knowing he was following behind me.

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