Operation Breakup Part 1

Start from the beginning

Damien scoffed. "Yeah right, because getting along with Mason is so easy."

"Aw don't be so bitter Damien; I'm sure you'll find a guy who'll one day love you." Mason told him with a smirk. I saw Damien narrow his eyes at Mason and his jaw clench. Fighting off the urge to laugh at Mason's comment I decided to ease down the tension. "So-" I paused as Nate spoke the same time as me. I chuckled together with Nate, I wish everyone was like him, he was so laid back and chilled out that he got along with everyone, I only hoped that trait rubbed off on his girlfriend who was still hell bent on believing that Mason changed and wasn't the same little naïve boy I once knew and he only became my friend again for some 'ulterior motive'.

"So what are you up to for the weekend?" I asked mostly towards Amber, hoping to divert her attention elsewhere other than the thought of killing Mason.

Amber shrugged and leaned in closer to Nate who wrapped his arms around her. "Probably go catch a movie with Nate or something later on tonight."

"Want to join us?" Nate asked politely.

I shook my head. "No, thanks but I have some homework to catch up on."

"What about you Damien?" I asked. I couldn't exactly exclude him from our conversation he was after all still a friend of mine and despite my bitter feelings towards him I couldn't put pass the fact that he saved me from almost getting molested in a club not too long ago.

Damien shrugged his shoulders with his bitter expression not leaving his face which I guessed was towards Mason, I still wondered why Damien and Mason didn't like one another, it was obviously a mutual feeling. I made a mental note to ask Mason about it sometime. "I have a tennis tournament on Sunday so I'd probably be hitting the nets all weekend."

I smiled in response to him. "Well it was fun chit chatting with you guys but my girlfriend and I have to go now." Mason said.

"You ready babe?" he asked me.

"Um, how about I meet you in the parking lot?" I asked.

Mason smiled and nodded but lightly kissed my forehead before heading out. That action of his caught me off guard, throughout the two weeks Mason and I had been fake-dating not once had we shared any sort of kissing, whether it be on the cheek or forehead. I'd made it clear that I didn't want any major display of affections, which was also an excuse when some random girls asked why they've never seen Mason and me kiss.

Shaking off my thoughts I smiled sweetly at Nate and Damien. "Hey if you guys don't mind may I speak to Amber alone for a second?"

The guys nodded and Nate kissed Amber quickly on the cheek before heading out with Damien. I made sure to wave bye to the guys and wish Damien good luck for his tennis tournament. When the guys left I finally spoke, in a slightly annoyed tone. "What was that?"

She looked confused and asked, "What was what?"

"The whole part where you snapped at Mason and told him Nate was your boyfriend as if Mason isn't mine."

"Mason isn't." she said casually.

"Ambs, you and I are the only ones who know that and I'd appreciate it if it stayed that way. C'mon Ambs, I know you don't like Mason after what he did but cut him some slack, he apologized and I forgave him." I paused to take in a breath. "Right now I need Damien and well everyone else to believe that Mason really is my boyfriend so please don't mess this up for me."

Amber looked at me for a long few seconds before finally sighing and nodding slowly which in return I smiled lightly. "Thank you."

"I still don't get why you turned a guy like Damien down, you were once in love with him." Amber said as we walked out of the school hallway and to the parking lot.

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