chapter 1

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Yeah people! I am back with my big mouth. This book is even better so if you loved 'Then he came into my life...' by me then you will fall for this book.
Trust me! :)


Her swollen eyes and salty face adjusted herself to the sunlight. She seeped in the light as she felt her eyes relaxed.

"Athena! Wake up." she whispered to herself.

Like a morning song playing in the background she put on her stoic face as she pulled a bun out of her hair and brushed her teeth.

Bathed. Dressed.

She was ready for the college except in the food department.

She wanted to grab her breakfast but refused to let her pride flow away so she banged the front door without uttering a word to her family.

As the cold wind embraced her she blew air hugging herself. She walked her way to the university as it takes half an hour to walk there. She is fond of walking so she can walk 15 kilometers and won't feel tired.

"Ath!" someone called from behind.

"Stella!" Athena mimicked her as they hugged.

"So? What happened to your eyes? Damn! They are all pinky pink." Stella pointed.

She touched her swollen eyes. "Oh that... That must be.."

"That must be something like you were crying the whole night." Stella suggested.

Athena knew better to act but today she can't even pretend to be bubbly. She bit her lip looking down at the jacket.

"Athena. You need to cheer up. They do love you. Your family do care for you." Stella murmured.

Stella knew better about Athena and her family and she finds it that the fights are not worse. They are what 20th century's parents shouting at 21st century's kid. Athena lives life her way which makes her family to think that she is damn rebellious and that Athena's anger is too much to handle for anyone.

As they parted their ways in college she stepped in Chemistry lecture. Athena's mother thinks that chemistry has more scope to earn better so Athena was forced into chemistry.

"Ms. Myers, meet me after the class." her chemistry professor Mr. Henderson said her.

"Okay Sir." she said politely.

She thought of all the possibility why she must be called. After the lecture she knocked the office.

"Come in." a voice said.

She saw Mr. Henderson talking to a guy. His back was to her. She noticed his brown hair and the way his sweater was hugging his biceps.

"Please sit." Mr. Henderson said.

She sat next to that guy but did not try to look at him.

"Mr. Bentley, meet Ms. Myers. You have to counsel her." Mr. Henderson introduced.
Excuse me? Counseling? Are you kidding me? She thought angrily.

"Sir, I think you have called the wrong student. I don't need a counselor." she said as she did not show any anger flicks.

"Ms. Myers if I am not mistaking than you have got a D grade which according to the new method says that we will allow you to interact with a counselor." her professor said.

" No Sir, instead I have got a B grade. I think it's Ms. Meyers you are talking about. I am Ms. Myers." she said placing a hand on the desk.

"Okay, then do inform her to come at my office." Mr. Henderson said.

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