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"Princess, come with me real quick to meet the new neighbors!" My mom called, excitingly, from the kitchen.

"Mom! I'm reading!" I groaned, slightly annoyed, to the fact that I was interrupted reading.

"Lucy, you're like seven! Come here and let's meet them!" My mom growled from downstairs and I sighed in defeat.

"Mom, I'm in first grade, what did you expect?" Closing the book, I trudged towards my mom in the kitchen and she grinned brightly.

"Let's just go meet them, shall we?" she smiled and I flashed her a faint smile.

She grabbed a fruits basket from the table then grabbed my hand.

"Where's otou-san, mama?" I asked, looking around.

"He's kind of busy." She smiled, softly, and we strolled towards a mansion that's about a good ten minutes' walk from ours.

"Ready to meet them, big girl?" she cheekily grinned and I nodded.

My mom rang the bell and a beautiful blue haired lady welcome us.

"Welcome to Magnolia, Grandine!" My mom greeted, earning a stifled laughter from the classy lady.

"Thank you, Layla! Thanks for recommending this place! Wow, It's been so long!" The lady grabbed the basket.

"I know! The place isn't so crowded, is it? I love the air around here! Oh, and here's Lucy!" My mom introduced.

"My. My. Such a rare gem, indeed. I knew it was a great idea arranging them together!" The lady and my mom giggled, girlishly.

"She is." My mom agreed, grinning from ear to ear.

"Hello, Lucy! Call me Aunt Grandine from now on!" She looked at me with a bright smiles.

"I'm your mama's best friend since high school. We were very close!" She added, proudly, and I smiled.

She seems nice.

"Oh and let me introduce you to my son!" she beamed, excitingly.

"Oh! Where is he?" My mom shook, looking really ecstatic, and I looked at them in confusion.

"Natsu!" Aunt Grandine called, grinning from ear to ear.

"Yeah?" A little boy with pink hair walked towards us, nonchalantly.

Aunt Grandine smacked the back of his head and he rubbed it.

"Sorry. He got his rudeness from his dad." Aunt Grandine apologized.

He caught sight of me and I was instantly captivated by those ebony colored eyes.

"Yo." He greeted, monotonously, and I smiled.

"Hi, I'm Lucy!" I cheered and he raised an eyebrow at me.

"Name's Natsu." He stated simply.

"Want to be my friend, Natsu?" I smiled, and he creased an eyebrow at me.

"Why the heck would I do that?" he made a displeased face and I pouted.

"Natsu! Be nice!" Aunt Grandine scolded.

"Why the heck not?" I argued, crossing my arms.

"I don't like you." He deadpanned and I felt like crying.

My tears started to spill and my mom hugged me for comfort.

"Natsu! Apologize!" Aunt Grandine growled, furiously.

He ran inside the house without saying a word or apologizing.

"I'm sorry Layla, it was really hard to control that boy's mouth sometimes." Aunt Grandine apologized.

How I fooled my foolish heartWhere stories live. Discover now