It didn't take long for my thoughts got interrupted. I heard our bedroom door close. I can't help but smile a little. I know it's Louis. I looked over towards the bathroom door. I left it open for him. He walked a little further into our bedroom. He looked a little confused till he looked towards our bathroom. A smile grew on his lips once he saw me. I noticed that he had flowers in his hands. He's so cute. He walked over to me, "Is this what we're doing, love?"

I nodded, "At least for a little bit."

I sat up, moving to my knees. He set the flowers down on the counter before leaning down, gently pressing his lips against mine. I can't help but smile into the kiss. I've missed this today. I missed him. I felt him smile against my lips before pulling away. I started to frown a little bit but I know he's just going to get undressed so he can get in here with me. I couldn't help but look as he quickly undressed. I moved up a little bit as he moved into the tub behind me. I smiled a little before leaning back into him. I felt him wrap his arms around me. God I missed this all so much today. I felt him softly kiss my neck, "How has our baby been today?"

I can't help but smile a little. I think it's cute when he's like this. "Our baby is fine."

"Good. Has he been growing?"


I felt him softly kissed my head, "I think it's a boy."

"We don't have long till be find out, babe."

"I know. We already know the names for if our baby is either a boy or a girl."

I moved one of my hands on top of both of his, "We deserve to celebrate everything after we're officially moved into our house."

He softly kissed my cheek, "What are you wanting to do to celebrate all that, love?"

"I was thinking we could maybe plan a vacation for ourselves."

"We just had one a couple months ago."

I sighed, "That was for our wedding. We need a vacation where we're not inside of a house basically the entire time having sex."

I felt his arms tighten around me, "We went to the beach for a little bit on our honeymoon."

"Yes but we spent the rest of the time having sex."

I thought he would be happy about this. I mean it's going to be summer. We should get a vacation. We deserve it after all the things we're going through. I don't get how he doesn't want this. Is he just wanting to stay home all summer?

I lent my head back against his shoulder, looking up at him, "Are you just wanting to stay home all summer, babe?"

He looked down at me, "No."

"Then why don't you want a vacation?"

He moved some of my hair from my face, "I've never been on a vacation before. I don't know what that's like other then our honeymoon which I enjoyed."

I smiled a little, "I enjoyed it too. We deserve a vacation that's not about sex the entire time."

I felt him lean his head against mine, "Alright. You're right. We do deserve to have a little vacation. Where are you wanting to go? We can go anywhere you want."

I giggled a little, "I didn't think that far ahead."

He chuckled, lightly kissing my neck, "Okay. How do the Cayman Islands sound? I know people who say it's beautiful there."

I moved back so that I was looking at him. I noticed start to frown a little, "Do you not want to go there?"

I softly pecked his lips, "I do. I think it's cute that you want to go."

"I'll go anywhere with you, love."

I can't help but smile a little, "Anywhere?"

He nodded, "I really don't care where we go or where we live. I could always find another job. Most places always need teachers. I would go anywhere just to make sure you're happy."

I didn't say anything. I just gently pressed my lips against his. I love this man. I didn't think it would ever be possible to love someone this much. I know he's the one. I know he worries about me being happy but I want him to be happy too. I know I'm going to be happy with our little family living in our house. The house that we picked out together. That's the way it should be. I know we're starting our family younger than most people do but I don't care. It's what we both wanted. Maybe not this soon but it's happening and we're both happy about it. I felt him smile against my lips before pulling away. He kept his head touching mine, "I love you."

I can't help but smile, "I love you."

"You're so beautiful."

I softly pecked his lips, "You're not bad looking, babe."

He chuckled, moving some of my hair away from my face, "I'm happy we finally got our house to ourselves."

"Me too. You are the one that has your friends come here."

He shook his head, "I know. I just want to make sure you and our baby stay safe. I don't want you alone till I know Jace and Joey aren't going to try and do anything to you."

"I'm sure they're not going to do anything, babe."

"Allison, we don't know that for sure. I can't stand the thought of them doing anything to hurt you. I know as soon as they get the chance to they will. I would blame myself everyday if I let that just happen."

I lightly pecked his lips, "If anything were to happen it wouldn't be your fault. You can't control what other people do."

I felt him cup my cheek in his hand, "I can control it if I'm around."

I sighed, leaning into him. There's no point in arguing about this with him. I know he wants to make sure nothing happens to me. I am thankful for that. I've never been with someone as protective as he is. Honestly I love it. It shows that he cares. I already know that he does. He doesn't need to prove that to me. It's just nice to see. He was such a broken person before me so I'm happy he's like this now and not like he was before. I softly kissed his neck, hiding my face in the crock of his neck. I felt his arms tighten around me, "I'm happy we have tonight together, love."

I can't help but smile a little. I'm happy about us having tonight together like this. I would rather be with him like this than anywhere else. I enjoy being with him like this any chance we can. We don't get to be like this very often and I know it's just going to be harder to find time like this together once our baby is here. I don't regret any of this though. This was something we both wanted. Maybe not right now but we did want this.

I felt him start lightly running his finger tips up and down my back. I can't help but smile a little as I closed my eyes. It's so relaxing. I wish he would do this more often. We don't get to just sit with each other, relaxing, very often. Especially since we have so much we need to get done in a short amount of time. I know we can do it. We always do. There's no reason to stress about it all yet.

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