He opened his eyes, "Harry is."

I nodded, "I hate when you go to work."

"I know you do, love. I don't like it either. Trust me I would rather be the person there with you during the day to make sure nothing happens."

"We don't have too long till you can."

He smiled, "I'll be around you for three months straight. You'll probably be ready for me to go back to work."

I giggled, "I doubt that."

I can't imagine getting tired of being around him. I mean we were around each other for three weeks straight at one point. We weren't tired of each other then. Two weeks is nothing like three months though. I'm sure we'll be fine. We'll have enough to do.

I started pulling away from him when I felt his arms tighten around me, "Where are you going, love?"

I can't help but smile. It's cute when he's like this. I love knowing I'm the only girl he's been like this with. "I'm just grabbing my phone."

He nodded as I moved over, grabbing it from the other side of our bed. I don't understand why we got such a big bed. We usually just stay on his side. I unlocked it and saw that my parents were both blowing up my phone. I'm not surprised. I'm assuming they know by now. I'm not really in the mood to hear what they have to say about it all. I know they're not going to say anything good about it. I really don't want to hear that from them. They're my parents. They're supposed to be supportive. I felt Louis kiss my cheek, "Who was it, love?"

"My parents."

I felt him softly kiss my neck, "I'm assuming they know now."

"I guess."

I moved back so that I was looking at him. I softly pecked his lips, "I don't want to deal with what they're going to say."

"Then you don't have to answer the phone or call them back if you don't want to."

I nodded, "We're happy about this and that's all that matters."

He smiled, "I couldn't be happier about all this. I'm happy it's all with you."

I can't help but smile. He's so sweet. I'm happy he's all mine. I gently pressed my lips against his. I just want to stay here with him like this today. I know we can't. We need to be getting ready to go back home. We both don't want to go back but we need to. I felt him cup my cheek in his hand. I'm sure he doesn't want me pulling away anytime soon but I really don't want to. I moved my free hand up, messing with his hair. I know I don't do this as often as I used to but I still love doing it. I felt him start to smirk against my lips here running his tongue over my bottom lip. I let him have entrance. It's rare that I ever turn him down.

I'm not sure how long we ended up staying like that till I pulled away. I noticed him start to frown, "We should probably be getting ready, love."

I nodded, softly pecking his lips one last time before moving out of his arms and off the bed. I felt him looking at me. I'm sure that he is. Neither of us out our clothes back on after we had sex. It's nice being this comfortable with someone. I never thought I would. He just makes me feel beautiful even when I'm pregnant. I was so insecure before him. I moved over to our dresser grabbing out some clothes. I changed into them before turned around. I noticed him sitting up in bed with a smirk playing on his lips. I can't help but smile a little bit. I moved over to him, softly pecking his lips, "What are you looking at, babe?"

He smiled, "I was looking at my beautiful wife getting dressed right in front of me."

I just shook my head as I noticed his eyes start to wonder down. He mumbled, "I love it when you wear my shirts."

I gently pecked his lips, "You should be getting ready."

He chuckled as I got off the bed before wondering into our bathroom. We really do need to get back home. We probably should have left already but I really don't care. It's not like we have a time limit today. We just need to get back before it's too late. We still have some time.

As I was walking out of our bathroom he started walking in. He stuck his arm out, blocking me from walking out. I looked up at him a little confused. He's never done is before. I noticed him smirk before gently pressing his lips against mine. I couldn't help but smile against his as they moved in sync. He's being so touchy today. I don't mind it when he's like this though. I would rather him be like this than distant. I pulled away, "Finish getting ready, babe."

He chuckled pulling away from me before walking in. I walked back into our bedroom and sliding some shoes on. I really feel like grabbing some of our clothes. We might as well leave them here since they would just be coming back here next weekend. I'm happy we're finally going to be moving in here. This is our home. The one we picked out together and has everything we both wanted. The house we're going to expand our family in.

After a few minutes I noticed him walk out of the bathroom. We grabbed a few of our things before I felt wrap an arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him. He kissed my cheek, "Are you ready to go, love?"

I nodded, "I was waiting for you."

He chuckled, pecking lips before we walked out, locking the front door behind us. Once we were in the car he intertwined our fingers as he started driving. I felt him squeeze my hand, "Are you hungry, love?"

I nodded, "I'm always hungry lately."

He chuckled, "I would rather you eat then, love."

I smiled a little before hiding my face into the crock of his neck. Honestly it's calming being like this with him. Normally I would be worried about what my parents are saying about what's going on between us. I really don't care what they have to say anymore. This is my life. They should just support me and my choices. They've done nothing but complain about them. I really don't care anymore. If they want to support me then they can be in life and if not they don't need to come around. They've already gave me the choice of them or Louis once and I chose Louis. I would choose him again. I wouldn't even hesitate about choosing him again.

I felt him squeeze my hand. I smiled a little before pulling my face away from his neck to see that we were already at a restaurant. I noticed it was the one we usually eat at when we're here. He looked at me, "Is this alright, love?"

I gently pecked his lips, "This is fine, babe."

He squeezed my hand one last time before getting out of the car. He wrapped his arm around my waist as we walked inside. He lead us to a booth towards the back. I know we don't have to sit in the back anymore. It's just what we're used to. It's just something we've had to do since we got together. We've hid so much it's weird for us not to even though we don't here. I sat down and he moved so he was sitting next to me. I felt him intertwine our fingers as the waitress walk over asking what we wanted to drink. I noticed her wink at her before walking away. I can't help but roll my eyes. I heard Louis chuckled, "What was that about, babe?"

"She winked at you and I don't like it."

I felt him softly kiss my neck as I was looking at the menu, "I wasn't even paying attention, love. I only care about you winking at me. You're extremely sexy when you do."

I giggled leaning into him. I know he doesn't pay attention to other women. I just don't like knowing that other people want to be with him. He's my husband. I know he'll never be with them. He kissed my neck in last time before pulling away to look at the menu. I moved my free hand over onto his leg. I noticed him shift a little as the waitress walked back over. I rolled my eyes at her as she put our drinks down. I moved closer to him as we ordered. She walked away when he pecked my lips, "Are you going to answer your phone the next time your parents call?"

I shrugged, "Probably not. I mean the last time I talked to them they gave me the choice of staying with them or walking away to be with you. I made that choice because I wanted to be with you and not hear all the things they have to say about it all."

He nodded, "I understand, love. Don't answer if you don't want to. I just want you to be happy."

I gently pecked his lips, "You make me happy."

He smiled leaning his head against mine. I'm so happy he's mine. I don't regret my choice of choosing him. I know I made the right one.

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