chapter 49

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"Is this really necessary?" Akito asked before he woke up as he was with Luna in her pony form.

"I'm sorry, Akito, but it's the only way you can stop Time Skip." Princess Luna told him apologetically.

"Alright, time to start the day for what might be the sixth time in a row." Akito groaned.

"I'm sorry, but I believe in you, just like I believed in your father and aunt." Princess Luna said as her voice started to fade away as Akito was now about to wake up in his bed with Leo.

"I'll make you proud, Princess." Akito said before waking up.

Akito and Ace groggily went to the kitchen as the other Loonatics were there as Rev made his juice and Lexi made her toast. However, the others seemed slightly slower than they did the times before.

"This was sent for you later today." Tech handed Akito and Ace a note.

"Sent for who and from when?" Akito asked.

"Oh, and also these plans from Dr. Chroniker's lab with his assistant, Vice Principal Luna." Vincent handed plots to his younger brother.

"From who and his what now?" Akito and Ace asked.

"Oh, please," Duck rolled his eyes slightly. "You think something sent from later today is ridiculous? Zadavia will straighten this out when she calls in the next few seconds." He then gasped suddenly.

Tech was confused for a moment.

"Wait, how are you guys here already?" Akito looked to Felicity and Vincent.

Felicity dug in her pocket and took out a pocket watch with an F imprinted on it and she clicked it open to show it was ticking and that it was her father's time travel watch.

"The deja vu's." Akito said.

"Loonatics, your assistance is urgently needed at Acmetropolis Military Weapons Lab..." Zadavia signed in as usual before showing them the clips of the robbery that Time Skip caused.

'Here we go again.' Vincent thought to himself.

It was going to be the same thing every time, but hopefully now, it would cease so the others can have a normal day with no bad memories of going through the same exact thing every single day with Akito and Ace the only ones awake. However, this time, the Loonatics beat Time Skip to the bot and already took control of it with Lexi in the command center while the others would operate the other parts of the bot's body.

"Look at that," Lexi scoffed. "He showed up right on schedule."

"Can I kick his sorry butt?" Slam asked.

"Right after me." Estelle answered.

"Surrender now and no one gets hurt!" Lexi's voice boomed to scare of the young villain.

Time Skip was a little freaked out at first, but he was still determined. "That bot is mine!" he then went into a jet. "And no bunch of super freaks are gonna stop me!"

Time Skip and the bot were now having a beat down themselves, doing a twist in the time frame they were stuck in before.

"If I can't have it, neither will you!" Time Skip snarled as they were chasing each other into town now.

"Man, this guy needs some serious punishment." Estelle said.

"No doubting about it." Felicity agreed as she made the bot move forward with the help of Slam, her pigtails flying up and down as the Trollbot stomped with each step.

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