The Big Day

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The alarm that I had set dragged us out of bed at five in the afternoon. It was painful leaving his side for two hours as our friends helped us get ready. Finally the time passed and as I was dressed and sitting inside the church, watching as the snow fall peacefully outside. I heard the old organ start to play cueing me in, I stood up nervously holding the side of the dress. The doors open and I saw soul standing next to the priest, his jaw dropped and I saw a tear slowly move down his cheek as he smiled at me. The church was small so it wasn't a long aisle and our friends and Macy stood smiling. I reached Soul and hugged him.

"You look absolutely stunning." He smiled through the tears that fell down his cheek. I felt him wipe away some of my tears that fell down my face.

"I like to welcome you all to the wedding of Maka Albarn and Soul Evans." We stood facing each other as everyone else sat down.

"Do you, Soul, take Maka as your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

"I do." He smiled taking my wedding ring and putting it on my left hand ring finger.

"And do you, Maka, take Soul to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" He said.

"I do." I smiled putting Soul's ring on his left hand ring finger.

"May I now introduce Maka and Soul Evans, you may kiss the bride." Soul pulled my face in close and kissed my pale lips, I felt him smile into the kiss which made me smile. We pulled away to see everyone smiling and crying, especially Macy. We walked hand in hand down the aisle, followed first by kid, Liz and Patty, then by Tsubaki and Black Star then finally Macy, my aunt-inlaw. We said our good nights at the door as everyone parted their separate ways while Soul and I waited as Marcy thanked the priest. He had put his jacket on me so I couldn't be cold. We stood without talking, instead we leaned on each other, gently squeezing our hands every so often. We walked home hand in hand and as soon as we got to our room he slowly helped me get out of my dress and washed off my make up before we made love to each other.

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