Not Without You

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"I don't want to leave." I said looking out the window at the gate.

"I know, neither do I." He said from beside me.

"What did you mean by 'You'll know what happened to me' when you were talking to Kira back at the apartment?" I asked looking at him.

"Means that she knows about my past and more when I die." He said.

"What about me? I know about you, I over heard you that night!" I was getting more confused than frustrated.

"Exactly, Maka. I'm not leaving without you so if I die it's because you died. I'm not living without you, it'd be too hard for me." That shut me up. God I'm stupid. I couldn't find a damn word to say to that so I grabbed his face and kissed him, long and passionate, just like I felt for him, passionate.

"Couldn't find anything to say, huh?" He chuckled, I felt myself blush.

"Nothing close." I laughed and he smiled down at me, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

"Stein said they have an apartment that the Europe branch is providing." Soul said looking at the sun set and the plane being prepped.

"Flight 243 is ready to be boarded please make your way to gate 6B." A female announcer said.

"That's us." I said holding my cary-on tightly. I felt his other arm wrap around me.

"Lets go then, we'll be landing in New York at about one then Paris around eight." He said, I nodded handing the lady my ticket and walked down the boxed ramp.

"Ready to live in a foreign place for three months?" He asked.

"Absolutely not, but I'm not alone so I guess that's worth getting used to." I said finding the seats and sitting comfortably by the window.

"But what about you? I know how you feel about traveling." I asked looking t him as he put the bags at the top.

"I wouldn't be going anywhere if it weren't for you." He said, I looked at him confused as to what he was trying to say.

"I mean... Okay uhh... I don't know how to put it." He said blushing from embarrassment. I closed my eyes and felt his soul.

"You wouldn't be leaving home to go live somewhere else for an extended amount of time if it wasn't for your love of me." I said slowly opening my eyes, I looked up to see that his face was emotionless.

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