The Battle Ends

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"You thought I'd give up that easily?" I heard her voice echo. Suddenly purple clouds surrounded her body that lay on the ground. After a minute or two the clouds disappeared and there stood Medusa with her legs and arm regenerated.

"Maka get up!" Soul yelled. I grabbed the scythe and stood up suddenly arrows came at me pinning me against the rock. One arrow crossed my cheek making me scream out in pain and bleed.

"Soul now!" I yelled. Soul appeared quickly and used his scythe arm to break the arrows, making me fall.

"Clever boy you are." Medusa laughed. I held out my hand and Soul returned to it. I charged at Medusa, Soul's blade was back to normal but it still was strong, I hit her legs and sliced her stomach.

"Soul let's finish this off," I said, "ready soul resonance go!" I felt a surge of power as our souls matched each other, our wavelengths lining up perfectly.

"Demon hunter!" I yelled watching as the blade extended beyond its limit. Power boiled jn my blood as I began running at Medusa's boody.

"Vector arows!" She yelled. They couldn't reach me as I protected myself behind the blade.

"Die Medusa!" I yelled slicing her escaping body. Her scream cut short as her body unravled revealing her soul. Soul returned back to human form walking towards the floating soul. He picked it up and swallowed it. Suddenly light swallowed Soul's body. I held my hand out receiving a new staff with a shiny silver handle and a perfectly polished blade. Soul returned to human form.

"Soul we did it!" I yelled jumping into his arms.

"Yes we did!" He laughed spinning me around.

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