The Aftermath

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Soul and I walked home and it started snowing halfway there and became a blizzard when we got to the front door. Soul opened the door and helped me up the stairs, opening our apartment door and laying me down on the mat.

"Get Stein." I said, he nodded and went to the mirror. I laid breathing heavily, my side was still bleeding, I could feel it. After the mirror began to ring as it dialed the Death Room, Soul quickly went to get the bandages and when he got back Stein appeared.

"Hey Stein it's me." Soul said taking off his blood stained sweatshirt and shirt revealing his black tank top and taking off my jacket, crew neck, and tank top leaving me in my bra and exposed wound.

"What happened to Maka?" Stein asked.

"Medusa got her side so I'm putting bandages on it." He said grabbing the towel that hung from his jean's pocket.

"Soul is a death scythe now." I said hearing my voice crack twice.

"Medusa's dead." Soul said rolling me on my side while he cleaned the wound.

"You guys did it, you're finally a death scythe! When are you coming back for the graduation ceremony?" Stein asked.

"The end of the week, that'll give us a few days to pack." Soul said having me sit on my legs and hold my arms up. I felt him start to wrap the bandages around my torso.

"Is Maka going to be okay?" Stein asked.

"Yeah she will, it's not that deep from what I can tell. I'm more worried about the scratch she's got on her cheek, it's awfully close to her eye." He said.

"I'm seeing fine, I don't its affecting my eyesight." I said closing my eyes.

"When we get there I'll have Nigas check if, alright?" Stein said.

"Yeah that's fine." I said. Soul had me sit in front of him while he cleaned up my face.

"Good job, you two." A new voice said.

"Kid?" I asked opening my eyes to see all of our friends standing in front of the mirror. They all looked different, older and more like adults.

"Soul you're not the only death weapon, Tsubaki's one too!" Black Star said.

"Lucky you Tsubaki, looks like you and Black Star beat us!" I said smiling.

"Well I am a big star." Black Star laughed.

"Yes you are." Soul said, everyone laughed.

"Do you want a bandage on your cheek or are you good, it looks like it's already scabbing." Soul said.

"It's fine," I smiled holding his hand, "thanks."

"Anytime." He smiled.

"We're going to hit the hay now, so we'll see you guys on Sunday." Soul said.

"Yeah bye guys, it was nice seeing you again!" I smiled waving as their picture disappeared.

"We didn't have to go." I said as he helped me up and into the bed.

"We need the rest for the dinner date tomorrow night remember?" He said kissing me, I out my hands on his chest.

"You need to take me out for a drink." I said winking.

"Right now?" He asked.

"Yeah I can stand and walk around, plus we won didn't we?" I asked.

"Indeed we did." He kissed me. He helped me put on a white loose T-shirt, black jeans, leather jacket. I put my hat and scarf on as he got dressed in grey skinny jeans and a red Beatles T-shirt under a black biker jacket. He put my converse on and tied them and put his on and quickly tied them. I grabbed my purse on the way out but he stopped me.

"Uh hu, I'm buying your drink." He kissed my cheek and led me out.

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