Forgive Me Please?

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"Maka seriously, I'm sorry I shouldn't have lied to you, especially about this." He said looking down at his arms. He wasn't wearing a shirt which exposed his other scar from Ragnarak and Crona.

"Then you shouldn't have done it in the first place." I retorted back to him. I was furious he was up here and that he lied to me.

"I couldn't help it because I didn't want to hurt you-" I cut him off.

"Bull crap Soul," I said turning away from him, "I know you lied for your own good."

"That's not true." He tried to raise his voice but it got raspy.

"Really? Then why didn't you tell me, I want the real answer Soul, a serious answer." I said turning around.

"'It's because I couldn't remember what happened." He said.

"See what I mean soul you keep lying!" I felt hot tears blur my eyes and a ball stuck in my throat.

"Maka, please believe me," his eyes filled with water and his face grew more pale, "I can't remember anything, I don't even remember leaving from home two nights ago." I felt hot tears fall slowly down my face. He wasn't lying. I felt his soul waver, he was frightened. I fell to my knees beside him, burying my head in his sweatpants.

"Soul I'm sorry I didn't believe you." I cried into his side, I felt something warm fall onto the back of my neck between my pigtails. Was he crying?

"Forgive me Maka, please." His voice was harsh and rough. I looked up at his weak, pale face and smiled through tears.

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