Evening Nap

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"Soul where are you taking me I'm cold!" I whined though it was true.

"You'll see Maka, here take my jacket would you?" Soul began to take his jacket off.

"You'll catch a cold." I responded stopping him from taking it off.

"Then you'll have to take care of me." He winked. I turned away before he could see me blush. I felt something cover me and I slipped my arms into the sleeves, his hand remained at my back for a few seconds before he took my hand again and he walked down the street.

"So seriously Soul where are we going?" I asked grabbing his arm and holding him close, he laughed.

"Maka, we're almost there calm down." He patted my hand and he steered us onto a small porch there was a sign swinging, it read;

"Macy Lynn's Inn"

"Soul why are we at an inn?" I asked him as he rung the doorbell.

"It's a present to you, for being healthy again. Don't worry I paid for it all the beginning of break." He winked the door opened.

"Ah Soul, nice to finally see you again, it's good that you reserved the room last week, it's the only free one left." The nice lady smiled.

"Hello Aunt Macy." He smiled and pulled me inside. I was confuse but I went along with it.

"There is freshly washed pajamas at the end of the bed, dinner will be up at 9, and tea is at 8:30 tomorrow morning, have a good time and if you need anything ill be down here." She pushed us up the stairs. Soul took my hand and pulled me up through the only open door.

"Soul this must have cost a fortune!" I said spinning around in the empty space.

"Hold on, let me take your coat." He exclaimed resting his hands on my shoulders. I blushed and let him pull off the jacket.

"Jump on the bed I dare you." I looked at him then flipped off my shoes and began to jump on the bed.

"Oh my god it's so springy!" I yelled landing on my butt.

"You're such a kid." He laughed kicking off his shoes and taking off his tie, unbuttoning a few buttons and jumping on with me.

"And you're acting to old for your age mister." I said. A knock came to the door and I jumped, soul laughing at me.

"You meany!" I pushed him of the bed.

"Room service!" A happy voice called.

"Dinner's here Maka." Soul said pulling in a tray with warm Mac and Cheese. We ate in silence and soul went out to leave the tray at the door.

"Soul take these." I threw him his pajama pants and tank top. He smiled a bit.

"I get it, you're still not comfortable with me yet huh?" He asked leaning against the door.

"Not quite." I faced the window blushing before I heard the door shut. I looked at my pajamas, same as soul's. I quickly put them on and laid down on the bed. The door softly opened and then the lights turned off, the bed sinked to one side as soul slipped under the covers with me.

"What time is it?" I asked turning to face him.

"Almost 11." He said looking t me. Our noses and foreheads touched.

"Why did you do this soul?" I whispered putting my hand on his scar then looking back up at him.

"Because you of all people deserve this." He leaned in our lips brushing but he stopped. I pushed my lips into his, surprising him and myself. The kiss dragged on until I pulled away. I stared startled into his ruby red eyes and he stared interested into mine.

"What was-" I cut him off.

"Forget it Soul, not now, just sleep. Thank you." I kissed his cheek before nuzzling my head into his chest.

"Okay Maka." He rubbed my back soothingly.

"What the hell did I just do," My mind screamed "you weren't supposed to do that!"

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